
Wednesday, December 7, 2016

The Start to a TPE Weekend (story)

I whimpered as the last strap was pulled tightly over my ankles. I was sitting in the back of the van, on a blanket, while two men in latex hoods were checking the rest of the straps.

My kidnapping was pretty simple. I was taking a shortcut in an alley, taking no notice of the one car that went by me, so why would I have noticed the van? It slowed down next to me, and just as I turned my head, the side door opened and arms reached out, grabbed me and pulled me in. I was so shocked and surprised that half the straps were on me before I even thought about fighting back.

Shortly thereafter, we parked and got another passenger. A woman wearing a leather jacket zipped up, jeans and combat boots came on. She sat down in front of me and smiled at me with perfect teeth. Her hair was black and bobbed. I couldn't stop staring at her eyes; ice blue.

She did an inspection of my bonds. A strap on my ankles, over and under my knees, over and under my chest (pinning my arms behind me) and straps wrapped around my wrists. She tugged on them.

She patted my thigh, “Sorry for the tightness, but I don't want you getting away.”

She smiled as she ran a hand up my thigh, a finger flicking at the button of my jeans. I drew up my legs, shaking my head whispering, “No, not that, please..”

My captor leaned into my face, “You don't get to say 'no'. Not anymore.”

She quickly undid the button, pressed down on my knees to straighten my legs, and pulled down the zipper. I barely tried to fight her; I closed my eyes and bit my lip.

She yanked down my pants to my thighs and laughed, “Hello Kitty panties!?!””

My face burned red.

She say back down and was still smiling, “Fine, I won't rip them off...they look cute on you. I'll save them for later.”

She twirled a finger on my boots. Cream colored and went up my thigh. She leaned forward and unbuttoned my flannel shirt halfway down. She gently pulled on the shirt so they were exposing my breasts, but still held under the straps.

Her face close to mine, she hissed, “You know I own you now...right?”

I shook my head and looked away and gasped when she grabbed my chin roughly and made me face her, “ will *learn*...yes, yes you will...”

She let me go and sat back. She stared at me, the smile was gone. All I could see was cruelty and desire. My heart started to pound, because there was nothing I could do....

She looked to her two men, nodded at one, “He seems to like you. Turn your head. Now.”

I turned and looked. His pants was barely constraining his hard on. I gulped. It looked, even from inside his pants, huge. I looked back at her as she spoke.

They're mine. They'll do whatever I say or want. You obey me, you please me...he won't have you. Unless, of course, you want him to have you...”

I licked my lips, “Please, if you-”

Shut up. Now.”

She sighed and rolled her eyes and then nodded to him again, “Gag her.”

A wide, white cloth was pulled into my mouth. He pulled it as far back as he could. I couldn't even close my mouth. Then when he knotted it, the pull in the corners of my mouth was almost unbearable. He then pulled out an Ace bandage and started to gag me again.

With each wrap around my head, the bandage and the gag got tighter and tighter. It pulled back into my little mouth cruelly. I tried to close my mouth, but the pressure in the back was such that there was no way that was going to happen.

I whimpered when he brought out the duct tape. I heard the ripping sound and I moaned. He simply wrapped over the two other gags. The gag was beginning to hurt a little. When he finally stopped, I could feel the pressure on my face...even on my eyes.

She looked at me, pointed at my face with one hand and tossed a roll of black electricians' tape with the other to her man, “Clean it up.”

I begged and shook my head. I begged and begged and begged, even with my eyes I begged. But all that would come out of my mouth was “ah..ahhhh...ahh...ahhh...”

She gave me a wicked grin, “Sorry, I can't understand you...”

The thin, black tape wound around my head. Into my gagged mouth, over my cheeks, back behind my head...over and over. Finally, he was done. And I found myself moaning uncontrollably.

She scooted next to me and put an around me, “There, there....the gag will only be on there for the ride back to my place, about forty-five minutes. Oh, look at're already drooling...”

She was right. I could feel the thin line of warm drool drop from my upper lip. It was followed by a somewhat thicker strand from my lower lip and over my chin.

She slowly laid me me back as the van started moving. She had my head cradled on one arm. She ran her other hand from my neck, slowly over the swell of one breast, and over my stomach. I looked at her wide-eyed, knowing....

She whispered, “Just obey me, do what I say...and I will make you feel SO good...”

Her hand went underneath the band of my panties. Fingertips floating where I shaved that day, seeing her smile as she realized that, finally, a finger tip caressing a lip...and she looked surprised and her features softened.

Looking down at me, a beautiful smile, “Oh're so wet...”

Her finger slipped into me and I moaned. She moved it slowly inside of me, thrusting and circular movements. Soon, I was squeezing her hand between my thighs, writhing a little, my eyes going unfocused, repeating the only sound I could make, “ah...ah...ah...”

She nuzzled my neck and kissed my cheek, “We're going to have SO much FUN...”

Monday, December 5, 2016

Found another, old video from the hard drive of me....

So, I'm pretty sure I never posted this little video. If I have, my apologies and I will spank myself with a wooden spoon...

This very short clip is me in a black-cloth-hood, Blue is taking the video and decides to hand smother me. BTW, I am already cleave-gagged under the hood.  Enjoy!

Monday, November 21, 2016

Part Two: Kidnap Suzy Opportunity!!! 11/20, 1pm to 7pm

Sadly, no kidnapping for me today. :(

So, at the moment, sitting in my chair at my desk. Wearing pink panties, and my blue tee is pulled up over my breasts. My ankles are taped to each leg of the chair, my torso belted to the back of the chair and I have a hood with eye-holes on and a plug gag over the mouth hole and very tight on me...the plug is pretty far into my little mouth. My collar with one ring is on my neck with a leash and I have my hitachi tied to my thigh, ready to go.

Once I am done writing, I turn the vibe on, press play for the movie on the laptop and handcuff my hands behind the back of the chair (quick release). Tonight's feature is the ZFX classic, Jack Booth Job.

I have every intention of cumming until my mind breaks. ;) In the meantime, the door is unlocked and if you come in, before you kidnap me, make me cum on the vibe for you like the dirty little slut I can be...

And if you do kidnap me...perhaps take me to a booth in an adult store and make me do it on the sticky floor of the booth...I'm feeling dirty and slutty tonight...


Saturday, November 19, 2016

Kidnap Suzy Opportunity!!! 11/20, 1pm to 7pm

The winner of this weekend's Kidnap Suzy Opportunity is me inside of an adult video booth at the Block in Baltimore. Here's an idea of what the area looks like:

I will be in one of these booths on Sunday (11/20) sometime between 1pm and 7pm. I am actually buying some gear, or at least shopping for some stuff. And I will be watching some videos in some of the booths...your task, is to find out which one!

Since you will be looking for me inside of a booth, I will make it a little bit easier. First, I will be in a booth that is showing bondage movies only. I will limit myself to those booths. Second, look for the following: a gum wrapper with Japanese on it. Whatever booth that is outside of, that is the one I am in.

Knock on the door, but knock once, wait a second and then knock four times. I will open the door to the booth. You will instantly know it is me because my hands will be handcuffed (quick-release) in front of me and I will be wearing my well-chewed red ballgag. Here's what the gag looks like:

If you have a leash, please use it on me when you walk me out of the booth. If I haven't bought anything yet, I will let you walk me around the store and I will point at the things I would like...perhaps you could by something for me?

Now, if you happen to come across me outside of a booth, I will be wearing black jeans, black, ankle boots with heels, a red blouse and a bracelet with an ankh dangling from the left hand. If you find me, you have to ask me, “Did you like the new Ghost in the Shell trailer?” and I HAVE to answer, “I always like anything with Beat Takeshi in it!” If I don't say that, is isn't me!!!

And if you find me, you get to buy me something at the adult store and then dinner, and then....?

BONUS: If you get me in a booth, and after walking me in the store, take me to a strip bar!!!

Lol, ok my gentlemen demons and sadistic sirens, come and find me!!!


(written while gagged, handcuffed in front and the vibe on low, jesus I am ready to cum and the door is unlocked)

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

A Closet (story)

I have no idea where you took me. You made sure I was blindfolded the whole time.

My wrists are in heavy cuffs. Fur-lined. You placed the chain of the cuffs onto something like a hook. I heard a chain go through a pulley. And up my arms went.

Hands over my head, stretched up on my black heels, the only clothing you let me wear after making me strip for you.

I was blind, I could only hear your breathing as I took off my clothes. You took my hands and placed them in cuffs and led me away. Never knowing. Perfectly blind.

I heard a door open. You gently pushed me forward and then turned me around. That's when you pulled my arms up.

You commanded me to open my mouth. And I did. Suddenly, I felt the ball being pushed past my lips, into my tiny mouth, stretching it. You pulled hard on the leather straps, they cut into my cheeks as you pulled hard and cinched it.

You patted my stomach, telling me I'm in a special closet. Then I heard a door close and your footsteps went away. I stood there, stretching upwards, weight on my wrists, almost suspended by them.

I don't know how long you were away. But my arms are aching so bad right now. My jaw hurts from the gag. My feet getting sore in my heels. I've been moaning more and more...but still careful not to drool, not to lose that one, last bit of control over my body.

Your footsteps come back to me. The door creaks open. I feel your hands on my cheeks, thumbs caressing. I sigh into my gag, hoping for relief and loving the touch.

Your hands move back, slowly, fingers tracing the blindfold, caressing my brown hair. You make me feel so good. My body moves and writhes. I need more. My body wants more. I make a small noise, almost a demand...

I'm wet. I'm helpless. I don't care. I want your fingers, your tongue, anything...inside me, where its warm, wet..needy and greedy...I want to cum so badly. I want to cum so badly, for you...

The blindfold slips away. I blink into the light that comes from behind you. I look up into your beautiful face. Wanting you to kiss my gagged lips, almost afraid that I might pass out if you do...

Your finger traces a small circle on my stomach. And I want it, want it, want it...please, baby, oh, please make me do it...make me dirty for you...

I look and give you my dark eyes, I beg you with them, plead for your touch with them, trying to tell you about the ache and the desire and the relief and...oh, *everything*...

I beg on final time through my gag, “Pllllllsssshhhhhh.....plllllsshhhh....”

I feel the warm trickle of drool slide over my chin, dropping onto my breasts. And I start to cry when you smile, shake your head and close the door...locking it...

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Yup, your choice went right up my butt.

So, yeah, your choice was in my butt today (a fetlife vote). Majority vote was for the butt plug, so up there it went. 

I wore a panties over it and then tied a crotch rope to hold it in. I used lube and sometimes I sort of...push it out, so rope it was. So, not only did I have the feeling of a plug in me, but I got rubbed by the ropes quite a bit.

So, for eight-plus hours, I had a full butt. It was tight inside of me, and the lube helped to move it around a little bit. But I still felt packed. As I walked around, I had to keep my face neutral between being rubbed by the rope and the plug moving and hitting a certain spot, that felt a little *too* good.

While on the line, I would get bumped, or bump into someone while making dishes. More than once, that movement caused little noises out of me when the plug and/or rope felt good on me as a result.

I was biting and chewing on my lower lip a lot today.

So, when I finally got home and pulled out the plug...OMG, the relief!!! But it had been in so long that my butt seemed very empty. It still does, but I will be taking care of that shortly...

I am very, very, *very* horny at the moment. Now that my evening is done, had dinner and cleaned's time to do something about this.

So, I will now use the anal vibe. I will be plug-gagged tightly and my wrists cuffed behind me with my hitachi tied to me. I will be watching a movie, one of the bound gangbangs....


Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Cruel Symphony (short story)

It's intermission at the symphony. When we go back in, we will finish the concert with Beethoven's 5th. I like it that you take me to the Baltimore Symphony. I don't have to worry about what I'm going to wear because you always buy me dresses for nights like this.

Nothing over the top tonight. Black heels, a simple, strapless black dress that goes to my ankles, small slit up the side, modest. I'm wearing the black ribbon on my neck. You wanted my hair up tonight, you like to look at my neck.

We have dress circle seats, so we are at the bar, one of the upper levels. I get to look down and watch everyone walk, talk, clink glasses...and I'm simply relaxing on the railing, chin on one hand.

You come back to me and hand me a glass. It's a sweet pinot grigio, Woodbridge. I crinkle my nose a little, but I take it anyway. I like my pinot grigio from Italy, nice and dry. Beggars can't be choosers at a limited bar. I sip at it.

You move behind me, placing your hand on the small of my back. I feel you lean in, face close to my ear. Your thumb lightly strokes my back in small circles. I sigh a little, bring the wine up in both hands and take another sip.

Your breath tickles me when you whisper in my ear, “I want to kiss your neck.”

I shiver. I say nothing.

I want you, in your dress, in ropes, tightly, I want the ropes to hurt you...”

I close my eyes, wondering if anyone can hear you.

I want the gag too tight in your mouth...”

The glass trembles in my hands.

I want you to cum for me, as many times as you can...”

I lick my lips.

I want to ruin your dress...”

I'm not sure I can stand for much longer.

I want to ruin you...”

The lights dim and you slowly pull away from me, hand gliding off of my back. My mouth is slightly open, eyes half-lidded, chest heaving..I have to carefully set the glass down. You are already going to our seats.

You are going to make me sit there, through the rest of the concert, thinking about everything you said...the ropes cutting into me, making me helpless, the gag so hard in my mouth and the drool, oh god you will make me drool in this dress...

And I know, as I sit there in the balcony, watching the conductor whip up the orchestra, that you will make me cum and cum and cum and cum until the final orgasm will make me scream and I will pass out, the last thing I will know will be your arms catching me...and you are making me sit here, making me wait....

You are so damned cruel....


Baltimore Symphony Orchestra –

Sample of tonight's music while writing this:

Written with my favorite, well-chewed, ballgag in my little mouth. Would you like to take me to the symphony?


Sunday, September 11, 2016

The Gag and the Crop (story)

I kneel before her, looking up into her feline eyes, trying so hard not to beg her to let me cum this time.

She has me in black lace tonight. Panties and bra. Black stocking and my little feet in black heels. My brown hair is slicked back, face made up, a special shade of red for my lips. She put on the collar with the single silver ring and put a leash on me; I am her pet tonight.

My ankles are in snug, fur-lined heavy, leather cuffs. A spreader bar keeps me from closing my legs together. My hands are also in similar cuffs, with small padlocks locking me in. A belt above and below my chest are pinning my arms to my back. So, so, so tight yet still comfortable.

I lick my lips as she taps the crop into the palm of her hand. She's beautiful. Soft, blonde hair piled up off the back of her neck (oh, I so want to kiss her there), blue eyes that make me melt...and her lips...oh, god...I want her lips all over me...

She turns back to the table. Her boots click on the floor and I have sudden urge to want to lick them, taste the leather, submit and clean them with my tiny, pink tongue. She teases me a little as she wiggles her behind, tight skirt forming perfectly on her. She comes back, dangling a ball gag from one hand.

She holds it up to my face by the straps and commands me, “Lick it. Now.”

I obediently lean forward, my eyes never leaving her face, and that tiny tongue of mine flicks out and the tip touches the red ball of the gag. My eyes go half-lidded as I slowly lick the ball, I make small, sighs and moans as I do it, eyes unfocused, concentrating on the taste of the rubber.

She pulls it away and I pout a little. She brings it back and commands me again, “Kiss it. Now.”

I let out a little “oh” and lean forward, close my eyes, and press my lips on the ball and I keep them there. I want this ball in my mouth. I need this ball in my mouth. After a long moment, I lean back, lick my lips yet again and look up the goddess who wants t hurt me.

Open your mouth. Now.”

I open my small mouth as wide as I can. It isn't much. But I try. I look at her as she slowly moves the gag to my tiny mouth. She stops just as the ball touches my lower lip. I let out a pleading noise; no words, just a needy sound. She smiles in an evil manner.

She uses her thumb to slowly...oh, so slowly...push the ball into my mouth. It goes past my teeth. It forces itself on my glistening tongue. My eyes roll back in ecstasy. When I open them again...the whole world is hazy and a million miles away.

She pulls on the straps behind my head. The leather straps put pressure on my cheeks before they cruelly cut in. The ball is almost to the back of my throat. I simply kneel, looking ahead vacantly, making soft noises, against my own will.

She walks to the table again. I am lost in subspace. I don't care about anything but the pressure of the restraints. I can't move. I can't control anything. I don't want to control anything. The only thing I really want is this forever; bound, gagged and a lovely woman who will both give me pain and pleasure.

She gently lifts my chin with the crop. She brought it back. The crop glides over my gagged lips, the gag. It softly touches my cheeks. I move my head into the crop, savoring the smell of the leather. It moves under my chin and down my neck, over the collar.

It tickles me as she brings it to my bosom. She has a light touch. She strokes me there with the crop. Softly, so softly...I anticipate the the sting of it. But she strikes my breasts. Instead, she teases me as she works her way back up. She finally rests it on one cheek.

She bends over and I smell jasmine. I love that smell. It makes me want her even more. With the crop on one cheek, she caresses the other with her hand.

The sting on my face surprises me. I can feel my cheek heat up under the crop. She viciously turns my head and strikes my other cheek. This time, I moan so loudly and my hips buck. It feels sooooo good...

She strikes me again and this time, when I moan out a plea to fuck me, drool spills over my chin and plops onto the floor.

She stops striking my face. My chest is heaving and I want her so bad. I want her to make me do it, to make me cum for her. I nod at her when she pulls on the leash. Wide-eyed, ready, I look up at her...wanting, wanting, oh my god, wanting so badly....

She giggles and steps back. She appraises me for a moment, crop tapping on her leg. She shakes her head, “No. Not tonight. You don't deserve to cum, you silly cunt.”

She turns on her heels and walks to the door, “Any last words? I won't be back for thirty minutes...”

I plead and beg with my eyes, leaning forward, belts pushing and pulling against me, my gag pulling inwards, I manage one gagged message, “Plsh....plsh...plsh...”

I repeat it over and over, warm drool cascading down, getting more and more frantic as she slowly closes the door until I start to cry as the lock clicks.

Plsh...plsh...mmoh, plsh...plsh...plsh...”

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Will You be Able to See Me?

I will be standing out on the balcony around 7:30 pm tomorrow. I will be wearing a black, button down shirt with black panties underneath...and a crotch rope. My hands swill be handcuffed out in front of me and I will have a bit gag in my mouth...remember, 7:30pm, a Mount Vernon, Baltimore balcony...

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Pour la MaƮtresse (poem)

Please forgive my French, otherwise, I hope you like it....

Pour la MaƮtresse
Gardez -moi dans tes chaƮnes lourdes ,
Dentelle noire simple et des draps de satin blanc ,
Collier en cuir avec un anneau d'argent pƩcheur ,
Un ballants utilisƩ au cours de la nuit laisse .

Mes yeux mendient , petit glissement de langue sur mes lĆØvres ,
Levant les yeux vers vous , se dƩplace sur le lit sinueux ,
Tournage et torsadƩe , en invitant et en refusant ,
Mes petites piĆØces buccales , rester ouvert , haletant .

Jasmine et de lavande me menacent lorsque vous penchez ,
Une mince cisaillement de dentelle noire tire passƩ mes dents ,
Un moment fugace de dƩlicieux douleur sur mes joues ,
Votre noeud est serrƩ , exigeant et en contrƓle.

S'il vous plaƮt ne me faites pas pour vous en prie ,
S'il vous plaƮt ne me fais pas gƩmis pour vous,
S'il vous plaƮt venez Ơ moi et fais -moi vous aimer ,
S'il vous plaƮt fais -moi faire , fais-moi le veux , fais-moi te veux.

For the Mistress

by suzyisgagged

Keep me in your heavy chains,
Simple black lace and white satin sheets,
Leather collar with a sinful silver ring,
A leash dangling unused over the bedside.

My eyes beg, small tongue glide over my lips,
Looking up at you, sinuous moves on the bed,
Turning and twisted, inviting and denying,
My tiny mouth parts, staying open, panting.

Jasmine and lavender threaten me when you lean over,
A thin shear of black lace pulls past my teeth,
A fleeting moment of delicious pain on my cheeks,
Your knot is tight, demanding and in control.

Please don't make me beg for you,
Please don't make me whimper for you,
Please come to me and make me love you,
Please make me do it, make me want it, make me want you.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Survived another Otakon....

So, no....escaped getting kidnapped again at Otakon...sniff...

It was all good though! Had a great time! As always, met new people, saw new stuff, got some cool stuff...flirted with some pretty girls and a couple of guys. Was at the DC panel..Otakon will be at DC next year and I am hoping to go there...will have to get a hotel room. So, for you DC may get a chance at me next year!

So, there was a pretty neat leather goods booth that sold some nice gear. Wondering if the guy running it saw me drool over some of the collars...

Some cool floggers, too!

And then there was this lady cosplaying Lust (you might recognize the costume). I've thinking about being brought over her knee and being spanked barehanded...mmmmm...

And then there were these two. I saw them, but this picture came from a friend that I see at the con a lot. I was day-dreaming of being bound over a bench with each one at either end of me, with strap-ons, one doing me from behind while sucking the other one. Ok...just got wet again...

So, mebbe next year I will get caught! BTW, wrote this with a new Gundam tee on, white panties, hand soft cuffed in front of me and bit gagged...just might go get a vibe and think about those three ladies and being at their mercy...


Wednesday, August 10, 2016


For those of you wondering about this, click this link:

Ok, so the winner was Major Kusanagi!! Barely beating out Nagisa! So, here is what the outfit will basically look like:

So, will this be the year? Will I get caught? Will I be kidnapped by some gentleman demon or some vicious vamp? Will I get to have someone accompany me to places, buy me Pocky and wine and possibly get me in their hotel room, all bound and gagged on the bed? It's possible...

In the meantime, sitting here, in black lace and panties, big red ballgag in mouth, hands cuffed in front of me, touching myself, making sure the door is unlocked, thinking how nice it would be to at the mercy of a beautiful and stern woman while a man watches on....

Please come and find me...if not tonight, then at the convention...I think I want to be caught this year.....

Saturday, July 30, 2016


It's that time again....a kidnap Suzy opportunity at Otakon!!!!

I have yet to be “kidnapped” from Otakon. Will this be the year? The last year that Otakon will be in Baltimore before moving to DC for the next few years? Will I finally get nabbed?

Where: Baltimore Convention Center and Baltimore West Shore Park (the grassy area between the Visitor's Center and the Science Center).

When: August 11th through August 14th.

Now, let's go over some rules.... First, “kidnapping” me means that you have found me and confirmed it with a certain phrase and reply. You get to take me to the events I want to go to and when it's time, buy me Pocky at the con and buy me a drink a nearby bar in the evening. And if we hit it off... And yes, I am amenable to either sex (I've gotten some questions on this), I am bi, after all.

Here is this year's phrase you must say, “Did you think the fight between Donnie Yen and Mike Tyson was kind of stupid?” And the reply phrase must be, “Yes, and so is Milk-Chan.”

This is so you don't “kidnap” an innocent person. That would just be embarrassing. So, remember those phrases!!!

Now, when you “kidnap” me, I let Blue know what's going on. Yes, he will be there again this year. He will be lurking around, but if they do the rope bondage workshop again, you can find him there. I will call him on his cell and let him know exactly where I am so he can see you if you find me. I gotta be careful...I think some of you might actually try to kidnap me....

Each day, I will be wearing a different outfit. Those will be your visual cues. One item I will wear every day is an ankh; either on my neck or on my wrist. It won't be hidden, it will be easy to see it. And again, this year, you guys pick my cosplay. More on that in a moment.

So let's list off what I will be wearing.

August 11th, Thursday -

I will be at the Matsuri at Baltimore West Shore Park. Not sure for how long, there are a couple of acts I wish to see. This will be the day where I will wear normal clothes. Jean shorts, open sandals and a white tee with Kagome from Inyuyasha on it (see the pic) and the ankh will be on my neck.

August 12th, Friday -

At the convention center, I will be wearing a school uniform very much like the one pictured below (had it ordered). Sort of a real uniform, not the slutty Asian schoolgirl thing. And a black bookbag (really my laptop bag). The ankh will be hanging from my left wrist. My hair will be worn past my shoulders (let it grow out it a little) with a head band...and I will have fangs...that's right, a vampire schoolgirl....

August 13th, Saturday -

You all pick the cosplay, I have the costumes for each. Let me know here or email me at . Majority vote wins and I will let you guys know August 8th! The ankh will be on my throat if Kusanagi or Lust are picked, on my left wrist if Haruhi is picked.

Major Kusanagi




August 14th, Sunday -

A blue kimono and open sandals. Hair will be up and held with chopsticks.

On August 8th, I let you know the winner of the cosplay and then after that, you have to try and find me!!! Oh, you don't need a pass or anything or pay to go to the Matsuri, yo can just show up!!!

Ok, time for me to get to bed now. Wearing a cleavegag, probably going to sleep in it...dream of some man or woman finding me at Otakon, letting me hold their arm as they take me to where I want to go, buying me Pocky and a glass of wine later...and perhaps...a gagged kiss?


Thursday, July 28, 2016

Thank you for the lovely evening....

Well, thank you for choosing my evening for me...

I dressed up as a secretary. Khaki skirt to my knees. Long-sleeved, white blouse, neck buttoned up. Sensible heels and hose.

Had my well-chewed ballgag in my mouth. Ankles soft-cuffed, thighs soft-cuffed as well as having the hitachi tied in between my legs. Hands cuffed behind me.

And I had 666, from ZFX, playing while I was squirming on the couch.

I pretended that one of you came in and overwhelmed me, and bound and gagged me. Then after robbing my place, you left me to watch a perverted movie and forced me to cum over and over...I struggled SO hard...I begged for help....I couldn't help but to cum over and over and I hated you for making me like being so helpless and moaning and writhing through my orgasms....

I had four orgasms last night. And I drooled ALL over the place. My blouse, my lap...everywhere...and I LOVED it....