
Monday, August 15, 2016

Survived another Otakon....

So, no....escaped getting kidnapped again at Otakon...sniff...

It was all good though! Had a great time! As always, met new people, saw new stuff, got some cool stuff...flirted with some pretty girls and a couple of guys. Was at the DC panel..Otakon will be at DC next year and I am hoping to go there...will have to get a hotel room. So, for you DC may get a chance at me next year!

So, there was a pretty neat leather goods booth that sold some nice gear. Wondering if the guy running it saw me drool over some of the collars...

Some cool floggers, too!

And then there was this lady cosplaying Lust (you might recognize the costume). I've thinking about being brought over her knee and being spanked barehanded...mmmmm...

And then there were these two. I saw them, but this picture came from a friend that I see at the con a lot. I was day-dreaming of being bound over a bench with each one at either end of me, with strap-ons, one doing me from behind while sucking the other one. Ok...just got wet again...

So, mebbe next year I will get caught! BTW, wrote this with a new Gundam tee on, white panties, hand soft cuffed in front of me and bit gagged...just might go get a vibe and think about those three ladies and being at their mercy...


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