
Sunday, September 11, 2016

The Gag and the Crop (story)

I kneel before her, looking up into her feline eyes, trying so hard not to beg her to let me cum this time.

She has me in black lace tonight. Panties and bra. Black stocking and my little feet in black heels. My brown hair is slicked back, face made up, a special shade of red for my lips. She put on the collar with the single silver ring and put a leash on me; I am her pet tonight.

My ankles are in snug, fur-lined heavy, leather cuffs. A spreader bar keeps me from closing my legs together. My hands are also in similar cuffs, with small padlocks locking me in. A belt above and below my chest are pinning my arms to my back. So, so, so tight yet still comfortable.

I lick my lips as she taps the crop into the palm of her hand. She's beautiful. Soft, blonde hair piled up off the back of her neck (oh, I so want to kiss her there), blue eyes that make me melt...and her lips...oh, god...I want her lips all over me...

She turns back to the table. Her boots click on the floor and I have sudden urge to want to lick them, taste the leather, submit and clean them with my tiny, pink tongue. She teases me a little as she wiggles her behind, tight skirt forming perfectly on her. She comes back, dangling a ball gag from one hand.

She holds it up to my face by the straps and commands me, “Lick it. Now.”

I obediently lean forward, my eyes never leaving her face, and that tiny tongue of mine flicks out and the tip touches the red ball of the gag. My eyes go half-lidded as I slowly lick the ball, I make small, sighs and moans as I do it, eyes unfocused, concentrating on the taste of the rubber.

She pulls it away and I pout a little. She brings it back and commands me again, “Kiss it. Now.”

I let out a little “oh” and lean forward, close my eyes, and press my lips on the ball and I keep them there. I want this ball in my mouth. I need this ball in my mouth. After a long moment, I lean back, lick my lips yet again and look up the goddess who wants t hurt me.

Open your mouth. Now.”

I open my small mouth as wide as I can. It isn't much. But I try. I look at her as she slowly moves the gag to my tiny mouth. She stops just as the ball touches my lower lip. I let out a pleading noise; no words, just a needy sound. She smiles in an evil manner.

She uses her thumb to slowly...oh, so slowly...push the ball into my mouth. It goes past my teeth. It forces itself on my glistening tongue. My eyes roll back in ecstasy. When I open them again...the whole world is hazy and a million miles away.

She pulls on the straps behind my head. The leather straps put pressure on my cheeks before they cruelly cut in. The ball is almost to the back of my throat. I simply kneel, looking ahead vacantly, making soft noises, against my own will.

She walks to the table again. I am lost in subspace. I don't care about anything but the pressure of the restraints. I can't move. I can't control anything. I don't want to control anything. The only thing I really want is this forever; bound, gagged and a lovely woman who will both give me pain and pleasure.

She gently lifts my chin with the crop. She brought it back. The crop glides over my gagged lips, the gag. It softly touches my cheeks. I move my head into the crop, savoring the smell of the leather. It moves under my chin and down my neck, over the collar.

It tickles me as she brings it to my bosom. She has a light touch. She strokes me there with the crop. Softly, so softly...I anticipate the the sting of it. But she strikes my breasts. Instead, she teases me as she works her way back up. She finally rests it on one cheek.

She bends over and I smell jasmine. I love that smell. It makes me want her even more. With the crop on one cheek, she caresses the other with her hand.

The sting on my face surprises me. I can feel my cheek heat up under the crop. She viciously turns my head and strikes my other cheek. This time, I moan so loudly and my hips buck. It feels sooooo good...

She strikes me again and this time, when I moan out a plea to fuck me, drool spills over my chin and plops onto the floor.

She stops striking my face. My chest is heaving and I want her so bad. I want her to make me do it, to make me cum for her. I nod at her when she pulls on the leash. Wide-eyed, ready, I look up at her...wanting, wanting, oh my god, wanting so badly....

She giggles and steps back. She appraises me for a moment, crop tapping on her leg. She shakes her head, “No. Not tonight. You don't deserve to cum, you silly cunt.”

She turns on her heels and walks to the door, “Any last words? I won't be back for thirty minutes...”

I plead and beg with my eyes, leaning forward, belts pushing and pulling against me, my gag pulling inwards, I manage one gagged message, “Plsh....plsh...plsh...”

I repeat it over and over, warm drool cascading down, getting more and more frantic as she slowly closes the door until I start to cry as the lock clicks.

Plsh...plsh...mmoh, plsh...plsh...plsh...”

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