
Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Cruel Symphony (short story)

It's intermission at the symphony. When we go back in, we will finish the concert with Beethoven's 5th. I like it that you take me to the Baltimore Symphony. I don't have to worry about what I'm going to wear because you always buy me dresses for nights like this.

Nothing over the top tonight. Black heels, a simple, strapless black dress that goes to my ankles, small slit up the side, modest. I'm wearing the black ribbon on my neck. You wanted my hair up tonight, you like to look at my neck.

We have dress circle seats, so we are at the bar, one of the upper levels. I get to look down and watch everyone walk, talk, clink glasses...and I'm simply relaxing on the railing, chin on one hand.

You come back to me and hand me a glass. It's a sweet pinot grigio, Woodbridge. I crinkle my nose a little, but I take it anyway. I like my pinot grigio from Italy, nice and dry. Beggars can't be choosers at a limited bar. I sip at it.

You move behind me, placing your hand on the small of my back. I feel you lean in, face close to my ear. Your thumb lightly strokes my back in small circles. I sigh a little, bring the wine up in both hands and take another sip.

Your breath tickles me when you whisper in my ear, “I want to kiss your neck.”

I shiver. I say nothing.

I want you, in your dress, in ropes, tightly, I want the ropes to hurt you...”

I close my eyes, wondering if anyone can hear you.

I want the gag too tight in your mouth...”

The glass trembles in my hands.

I want you to cum for me, as many times as you can...”

I lick my lips.

I want to ruin your dress...”

I'm not sure I can stand for much longer.

I want to ruin you...”

The lights dim and you slowly pull away from me, hand gliding off of my back. My mouth is slightly open, eyes half-lidded, chest heaving..I have to carefully set the glass down. You are already going to our seats.

You are going to make me sit there, through the rest of the concert, thinking about everything you said...the ropes cutting into me, making me helpless, the gag so hard in my mouth and the drool, oh god you will make me drool in this dress...

And I know, as I sit there in the balcony, watching the conductor whip up the orchestra, that you will make me cum and cum and cum and cum until the final orgasm will make me scream and I will pass out, the last thing I will know will be your arms catching me...and you are making me sit here, making me wait....

You are so damned cruel....


Baltimore Symphony Orchestra –

Sample of tonight's music while writing this:

Written with my favorite, well-chewed, ballgag in my little mouth. Would you like to take me to the symphony?


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