
Monday, September 23, 2019

Lace and Wanting (story)

In case you are wondering, I had Unisexi in mind. 

Please listen as you read:

My keys to the gray apartment slid in. Tired from work I walked in. It had been a long night, and it was already 2am by the time I got there. But I got the text from Mistress. When either Sir or Mistress summons me, I have no choice.

I walked into the familiar foyer. Soft light on. I walked in a few steps, looked to the left; the living room was dark. The hall way to the right was dimly lit, neon lights coming in from the city. I saw the red light from one sign blink. I listened to the traffic outside and floors below.

I made my way to my room. All the rooms on the apartment were along one side, the left. There were other rooms along the way; for Sir and Mistress, mine, two others I had never been in and, of course, the last, large room where I served. The room with the camera and the single light.

I walked down, aware of my dirty uniform, the smell of garlic from working the line tonight. I was looking forward to the shower; I needed it.

I stopped at the room before mine; it was open a crack. There was light coming from it. My hand hovered over the knob, wanting to go in, but my training took over. I was never to go anywhere but where I was directed to. My curiosity wanted to know what was in that room. I even stood there, listening. Nothing.

I went to my door, pulled out my key for it and entered. The light was already on. As always, there were the clothes they wanted me to wear on the bed. And the little card with my instructions before entering the last room. I read my instructions, stripped and got the shower in the private bath all nice and hot.

Once clean and dried off, I went back into the bedroom and sat at the mirror. It wasn't often that I was told to wear make-up, but tonight I would. Mistress thoughtfully set everything out for me. I dried my hair and while in my robe, applied the make up.

Heavy eyes for me tonight. Long lashes. Very red lipstick. I looked at myself in the mirror. I don't usually wear make up; I don't have time and my job makes it a moot point. Sometimes, I wonder if this is how Sir and Mistress see me when I am not here. It makes me feel special, for some reason.

I went to the bed. I lightly touched the items and smiled; I can sometimes tell how a session will go by the clothes they want me to wear. Tonight was to be sexy. There would be touching and kissing involved.

It was almost all black lace. I pulled up the panties, very small and thin and I was glad that I keep myself shaved. I put on everything slowly, loving the feel of it, how easily it all slid over my skin. I enjoyed pulling up the hose, so smooth and silky, attaching them to the garter belt. Then I put on the elbow-length, black kid gloves.

And lastly, the black heels. They were not ridiculously high, but enough to definitely make me taller. And ankle clasps as well. I looked myself over in the mirror. Looked at my cell, saw that I still had a few minutes before Sir or Mistress, or both showed up. I left everything behind in the bedroom; the rules.

I enjoyed hearing the heels on the wood floor of the hall. Sharp sounds. The note said I did not have to crawl tonight. And that there would be another note once in the session room. But I walked past that room and stood in front of the hall window.

Looking at Baltimore from a few floors up. The lights, the handful of cars driving up the street. Almost no one out at this time of night. It was quiet, but the lights outside were chaotic. I liked it. I turned to open the door to where I would serve as I always do

A small envelope was taped to the door. I took out the note that I was supposed to read. I did a hard blink. This...has never happened before.

I opened the door and the room was almost pitch black except for the red light of the camera; it was on. Normally, I would come in, see the chair that Sir would sit in. next to the camera that was connected to the laptop to stream for anyone who wanted to watch. There was only one light hanging from the ceiling of the large room, creating a circle of light. Everything happened inside that circle. Sometimes a chair to sit in, almost always a pile of pillows.

But it was dark inside and for the very first time, I flipped the light switch. The single light came on. There was Sir's chair, the laptop, the camera, the pile of pillows in the circle of light and...her.

She was on her knees. Eyes closed. Dressed just like me. Very short, dark hair. And when she opened her eyes, they were so enticingly dark. A red ball gag in her mouth, a collar and chain on her lovely neck. Her hands were cuffed in front of her and places in her lap.

I walked to the camera and placed the note in Sir's chair. As per the note, there was a silver tray in front of pillows and she was in charge of the items on it. I made my way over and stood above her among the pillows.

She looked up at me and I nodded. With her cuffed hands, she took the the heavy leather ankle cuffs and put them on me. As she encircled my other ankle, I couldn't help myself. I ran my fingers through her soft, black hair. She snapped the padlock closed, the chain between cuffs only two inches apart.

She looked up as my fingers played with her hair. My hand slipped down, palm caressing the cheek of her gagged face. She sighed and leaned into my hand, closed her eyes for a moment. Then she looked at me. I had to kneel now.

Once on my knees, she leaned forward to the tray and picked up the collar. I raised my chin and slipped it on. It was wide, heavy with just one ring on it. As she clasped it behind my neck, I could smell a hint of lavender from her. It was so hard, so hard not to touch her...and it was too hard, really. She padlocked the collar.

She leaned back, there was a moment of looking at each other. An easy moment of wanting her. Then she clipped the chain to the ring, a small tug on it to test, and then it became too hard for me.

I reached up and placed a hand on the back of her neck, pulled her in. I closed my eyes and kissed the gag in her mouth. Slowly opened my eyes, still holding her neck and kissed her chin. I felt her cuffed hands on my legs...

I pulled back. Smiling around her gag, she went back to the tray. With both hands, she offered the white ball gag to me. I leaned forward, eyes locked on hers, kissed the ball of the gag as she held it. 

I took it from her and slipped the ball into my little mouth. Past my red lips. Past my teeth. Sighing loudly, loving the feel of my mouth being filled. I pulled the straps behind my head, hard and cruel, making myself gasp and my eyes roll back...the way I like it, the way I liked to be treated.

She was watching me, her breathing getting faster. Eyes a little wider. I did a slow blink, coming back to myself, looking at her, telling her with my eyes that if she wanted to...then yes...and I offered my wrists to her.

She locked the heavy cuffs on. The fur on the inside comfortable to my wrists. The padlocks snicked into place. A certain finality to it.

We looked at each other as we placed out hands on our knees as we knelt there, the leash danging into our laps, cold and refreshing. I sincerely hoped that we would be allowed to play with each other....

In the meantime, we knelt, with our heads bowed, waiting.....

Sunday, September 8, 2019

I had a story I was going to write, but....

I'm very tired and ready to pass out.

There are times when I really want to write a story, but there's no energy there for it. Tonight was one of those nights.

I went in later than normal; filling in for someone. Work for me is being a line cook in a Baltimore restaurant. I wouldn't call it four-star fine dining, but a busy finer-dining place. We're a busy place and push out a lot of plates over an evening. Then there's the cleaning afterwards, a little bit of prep for the next day, etc.

So, by the time I get into the apartment, it's usually after 1am. I'm tired, but can't sleep. I also have to peel off my uniform (for you uniform pervs, it's tan pants, sneakers, black polo and black cap with the logo on it). I always smell like garlic.

I have to shower, get clean. Then sometimes I make dinner. So, as you might imagine, I have late nights. Which means that sometimes I do the self-bondage thing, or do that and play with myself, or do some creative stuff like music video editing and writing.

I knew at work that I would be too physically tired tonight, so I was hoping to do some creative stuff. Nope. Brain won't work.

I even had an idea for the story! I would show up at a friend's place, see a machine with a button. I would be warned not to touch the button and I would, of course press it. Next thing I know I'm in a warehouse and I turn to see myself in the mirror. It's me...but with big hair and and early 90's clothes on. Then I would turn to see all the bondage stuff and realize that I had entered the ZFX/Shockwave dimension...and then get chloroformed.

So, there's the premise. Perhaps in a few days it will actually turn into a story, who knows?

Right now, I'm nodding off. Finally. But I am distracted by visions of certain Fetlifers; Ginary spanking me, making out with Unisexi, having Njkidnapper do my bidding, being a slave to Mistress Jean Bardot and from pop culture...Brie Larson pulling my hair and calling me a slut while in her Captain Marvel uniform...

So, I'm going to go to bed. The door will be unlocked. Honestly, I just want to kiss tonight, so be prepared for that...because I think that is the only thing I am capable of doing right now.

How I want my gentleman demons to kiss me:

For my vicious vixens to kiss me:

And for the ladies I want to make out with:

So, good night...kisses!!

Sunday, August 11, 2019

For NJKidnapper, Ginary and Unisexi

(press play before reading)

I hope you all are having a great time at FetCon! I'm here, in my apartment, doing my usual, naughty things. And tonight is movie night, so....

At the moment, I am wearing just a red, pj top. A collar with a single ring on it. Yes, a leash is attached to it. Possibly for later...

My ankles are bound in a belt tie. Two belts firmly cinching my thighs right up against my hitachi vibe. There is another, wider black belt around my torso and under my chest. I have just enough room to squeeze my arms in. And once I do that, on go the metal cuffs with my wrists behind me.

Before I do that, I have to gag myself, of course. I have a small mouth, but...I'm going for endurance tonight, so to make it a little tougher for me, I'm using my big, black ball gag. Stretch my mouth out. Will most definitely be drooling within minutes, and my jaw will probably be sore tomorrow...but I do like my gags, so its worth it!

But before I do any of that, I have to start the movie. I will be placing myself on the couch this evening. Then the gag goes into my tiny mouth. Then on goes the hitachi. Then I cuff myself for the rest of the movie and pretend I'm one of the characters.

Tonight's movie is an oldie but a goodie. Not one of my usual ZFX flicks. It will be “Ivy Manor 2”.

The movie is about an hour long, so I'm thinking possibly 3 orgasms? We'll see. One of my favorites.

As always, the door will be unlocked. If some gentleman demon or vicious vixen were to come in, they could pour themselves a glass of wine (merlot called Velvet Devil, pretty decent) and watch me writhe and moan my way through the movie. Or they could untie my legs and take me out for a walk on the leash.....

And if no one shows up while I'm having my little fun...perhaps I'll untie my legs after the movie is over. Put my arms back into the belt, re-cuff myself and take a late night elevator trip to the basement to the gym and back, walk up and down the hall in my bare feet....

Yes, that is my floor's hallway. A clue to where I live!!! (cue dramatic music)

Alright, it's 2:08 and it's time for me to get started. Gagged kissed to everyone!


Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Return to the Room (story) by suzyisgagged

(please play while reading)

I had been away from the room for too long...

I missed getting the commands to appear at the quiet apartment in downtown Baltimore. I missed using my key to come into a silent place, missed walking on the hardwood floors. I missed going to the bedroom, to find the clothes I would wear for the planned sessions. But work is work, and even Mistress and Sir understood that.

Earlier in the day, I felt the need. I felt a longing. And I had the time. And for once, it was I who made the proper texts. Telling Sir and Mistress that I would be there in the evening. If they wanted to come. If they still wanted me.

Much later, I found myself at the door. My key slid in and worked perfectly. I walked in and stood for a moment in the main hallway, looking to the left; the main room and kitchen with its sparse furniture. To the right, the long hallway with several doors, of which only two were ever available to me.

The click of my heels on the floor echoed. The white and grays of the walls and doors very simple. Very spartan. The bedroom door was open. I walked in and saw the large bed. A note and what I was to wear laying on it.

I took off my work clothes. I went to the shower adjacent to the bedroom. After cleaning off the day, I set about to make myself up. Then, once ready, I went to the bed to put on my clothes for the session.

The collar went on first. Wide, black leather, constraining and comforting on my neck. The single, silver ring gleaming. I flicked at it and listened to the clink of metal. I smiled. This was Mistress's wish for me to wear.

I was given just one piece of clothing; one of Sir's white shirts. The sleeves rolled up just enough. I slipped it on and buttoned it up, leaving the last quarter undone, the collar of the shirt wide open. I used the white silk strip in my short hair as a headband, tying it into a small bow on top. Sir's desire for me tonight.

No heels for me. No hose, no garters, nothing but bare legs. The red lipstick left for me. The dark eye shadow and mascara. My feet somewhat cold on the bare, wood floor.

I read the note. The simple commands.

I got on my hands and knees and crawled out of the bedroom. I turned left and slowly went down the hallway, the only light coming from other buildings through the one window; a pulsing red from across and above.

I crawled to the only other open door in the hallway. The room. The room I always went to. The room I so desperately missed. I crawled inside, feeling excited and calm at seeing the familiar sights.

The single bulb in the center of the room, hanging down, creating a circle of light. Inside the circle were the pillows, arranged in the most comfortable mound on the hardwood floor. Just like always.

I crawled towards the light. Past Sir's chair. Next to the camera, hooked up to a lap top. I looked up as I slinked past the empty chair; the camera's red light already on. Already streaming to an audience. Just for a moment, I glanced at the screen on the lap top and saw the men and women who loved to watch me suffer, to be submissive, to enjoy my pleasure and my pain...all of them logging on. I crawled away.

Knowing that so many were watching me. Watching me crawl back to the room, to the pillows, to Sir and Mistress...and to them. Happy. Feeling happy to be back to them. To offer myself up again. All those unknown viewers I know so well.

I made it to the pillows. In the center were two items I was instructed to put on for the camera, for the audience. I raised up and sat back on my knees, looking right at the camera. I blew everyone a small kiss and let out a very brief, small smile for them.

I reached down to the first item. The black ball gag. I lifted it up by the straps, pulled them tight. I regarded it for a moment, and gave it a kiss, lingering, tasting it. Looking directly into the camera, I pulled the ball into my little mouth.

A slow pull. The ball going past my teeth. I pulled the straps back, behind me. Slipped one end through the clasp. I paused and then viciously pulled it tight. I let out a small noise and my eyes slid shut in pleasure.

They opened only when I cinched the clasp and buckle. The leather straps pulling into the corners of my tiny mouth. I traced a finger from my lower lip, over my chin, under it, stopping just under my neck.

I glanced down and saw the leather cuffs. Fur-lined. Pad locks next to each one. I placed one on my wrist. Slid the pad lock on and locked it with a satisfying click. I drew my wrists behind me. Locked in my other wrist.

Still looking at the camera, I brought my bound wrists to one side and up. Turned slightly. Wanting to show them, all of them, that I was helpless.

As per the commands, I slowly lowered myself onto the pillows. I lay down on my side, facing the camera...always facing the camera. I sighed, body inside the crisp, white shirt, breasts visible, but not exposed. Lips framing my gag. I let out a nice, satisfied noise...

Within moments, Sir walked in. Wearing one of his shirts, black tie and slacks, Italian shoes softly making noises as he walked in. He stopped at the chair, put his hand on it, regarding me, looking dark, stylish and perfect. The quintessential gentleman demon.

Mistress came in. Looking severe as always. Lovely boots that I have licked in submission, clicking on the floor. Knee-length, latex skirt framing her legs. A short-sleeved blouse, buttoned all the way up. Her lovely, blonde hair flowing down her shoulders, blue cat-eyes to get lost in and that evil and delicious smile....

Together, they walked to me, the camera capturing them. Then capturing us, showing the three of us to an audience of so many. Mistress and Sir looking down at me. Silent. Approving. Stern. Waiting.

I turned my torso so I looked up at them. Wrists bound in heavy leather behind me. Bare legs still to the side. Offering my body. Letting Sir, Mistress and the audience know. Know that I still wanted them. Always wanted them...

As I looked into Sir and Mistress's heartbreakingly lovely faces, I slowly nodded my chin upwards at them, my eyes not letting them look away, giving them the one, silent command that really mattered with a slow blink of my eyes....

I need you. I love you. Drown me in pleasure. Do it. Now.

And they obeyed.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Post-Otakon Suzy Kidnap Opportunity 2019

Sigh...didn't get “kidnapped” again.... Although, I may be paranoid here, but I think got the serious eye by two guys and one lingering look from a girl who I think was cosplaying a character from Durarara, the one who is death on a motorcycle....

But I had a great time! Met a few people, made new friends, saw some cool stuff...wanted to buy some cool stuff...bought some cool stuff I probably shouldn't have.....

No hook ups this year. Or kissed anyone lustfully. Hugs and cheek kisses...I wasn't really looking for anything more than that this year.

Soooo...I think I might have one or two more years of cosplay left. Doesn't mean I won't dress up in dresses or create outfits for myself (or perhaps someone else can do it for me?), but I think that I like doing that better....perhaps more pictures were taken of me when I wasn't in cosplay this year? I dunno...but it was fun!

So, perhaps next year someone will find me and “kidnap” me...

(BTW, wrote this while handcuffed and ball gagged)

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

A Secretary's Need (story)

Ok, this is the last of the breathplay stories I had written for that breathplay site. I hope you enjoy it!

And please remember to vote for the cosplay for my Otakon kidnap opportunity! Go here for details: 

(please press play before reading)

I stayed late to wrap up some things at the office for the accounts manager before leaving for a long weekend. Every other Saturday, I physically report to the dungeon for duties as assigned. This weekend, I was to be a hostess...which means an evening of really tight bondage and gags...and hobbling around to show guests and their own slaves around. Whenever I pull this duty, I go for a long weekend because it usually takes a day for me to recover and for all the visible rope marks to go away. 

And it also means that I was spending the entire day distracted. Dreaming of strict bondage, several types of gags shoved into my little mouth over the evening, fondling, spanking...I spent the day continuously wet.

I went into the manager's office to put away the last files before leaving. The manager had already left two hours ago. After putting the files away, I walked past the desk and saw the balled up laundry cleaning bag in the otherwise empty waste basket. I stared for a moment, dreaming of being helpless, bagged, worked over with a vibe, struggling for air hoping to last long enough for an orgasm before passing out...

I shook my head and left the office. I went to my desk and started closing things down. I was the last one there. I looked around. The bag was right there...but, out here, in the open? I laughed at myself at the thought of getting off right there, especially with someone who might walk in.

I looked around as I shut off the lamp on my desk and noticed that the office supply closet door was open. I did a hard blink. I slowly looked back at the manager's office. I licked my lips, went back to the wastebasket and snatched the clear, laundry bag out of the wastebasket.

Frantically looking around, I made my way to the supply closet and slipped in. I didn't see anyone around, but I wanted as much privacy as I could get. The closet was perfect.

I entered and flicked the light switch. On three walls were tall shelves of office supplies. A stool at the end. I closed the door behind me.

I looked at the bag. There were no rips in it. Just the one hole for the hanger. I found the clear packaging tape and fixed that. Then I found the rubber bands, the larger ones. I needed to cinch the bag.

I closed my eyes for a moment. Was I really going to do this? Couldn't I just wait? Am I that desperate? Did I need it that badly?

I felt a small throb in my pussy. Yes. Yes, I did need it...

I looked around on the floor and the stool. My outfit wouldn't get dirty, or at least, dirty enough to raise question. My jacket was back at my desk. I had on my knee-length tan skirt, a long-sleeved white blouse, hair back in a white head band and sensible, brown heels. I took a moment to be thankful for no this point, I was so ready I would have just a ripped a hole in them.

I lifted up my skirt and bent over a little. I slid my white panties down past my knees and let them fall to my ankles. I let my hands wander up from my thighs and they cupped my covered breasts. I closed my eyes; I was wondering who my fantasy attacker would be. The silver fox a floor down? The Asian girl with beautiful long hair two desks down from me? The executive down the hall who could pass for Catherine Zeta Jones? The really buff FedEx guy? All of them?

As I was deciding, I unbuttoned my blouse. I opened it up and looked at the top of my breasts. I gently pulled the tan bra down, exposing my nipples. I played with them with my finger tips, pretending my attacker was teasing me. I groped myself, whispering, “Please, stop!”, pretending as well. I started to slip into subspace and with eyes half-lidded, I looked to the right and saw the black, large paper clips.

The first one, I had to cover my mouth, I moaned so loudly with the pressure and pain. And so much pleasure. The second one was placed with mu lips firmly placed, but still pretend attacker was being so cruel.

With one hand on a breast, the other made its way down. I ran a finger over my moist lips, glad I shaved earlier. Rubbing and gliding, making my already wet pussy soaked, whispering for my imaginary attacker to stop, please stop, please, I'll be good, I won't tell just stop....

My knees started to go weak so I sat on the stool, leaned back and kept going. Whimpering and moaning. Nipples hurting under the clips in delicious pain. Now both hands were working; one on the clit, and a finger going in and probing, hard.

I opened my eyes and saw on the bottom shelf a fat marker and hand lotion. I licked my lips; was I that desperate? I closed my eyes, pretended that my attacker was raping me. Head leaning back, a pressure building up fast, ready to burst. It was time for the bag.

I stopped long enough to grab the bag and pull it over my head. Pulling two rubber bands over and down, feeling the plastic cinch into my neck. I was sealed, only so much air. My pretend attacker was going to kill me while raping me....

I completely slipped into subspace. I begged, I moaned, I pleaded and all the while, my fingers driving up the amount of pressure. And finally, that bag grew warm with stale air. The plastic was starting close in a little bit more with each breath.

I slowly slipped off the stool. I was laying on the cold floor. Hand working myself, the clips were unbearable, the bag fogging up..still whimpering and moaning and just saying “no, stop” over and over and over....

One hand shot out and grabbed the fat marker. Clumsily used the hand lotion to lube it. My left hand took over my clit, my right held the lubed marker, reached behind me and forced it into my little, butthole.

My eyes rolled back into my head. It felt so huge in me! Filling me. Almost too much. And as I thrust it in, in the shock of it, I took a deep breath and plastic reached almost all the way to my throat.

My eyes were closed, but my head started whipping around in a futile effort to get the plastic out. It moved some, but not completely and my small, pink tongue kept stabbing at it to force it out, but the only got the plastic stuck to it.

All the while, my fingers rubbed at my clit furiously. The marker being moved inside of me. No air to whimper or moan or beg, just enough to grunt.

Grunting as my imaginary attacker used me, filled me, took my breath away, telling I was a whore, a meat hole, fuck meat, such a dirty whore, such a dirty slut and I agreed. I was such a dirty slut, such a whore...yes, yes, I am a dirty slut, let me cum let me cum, please oh god don't kill me before I cum, I'm a dirty slut, I'm a dirty slut, OH MY GOD I'M A DIRTY SLUT!!!!
My lungs burned only for a moment before euphoria set in. My head was madly moving around on its own, eyes only showing whites, little mouth wide open, plastic sucked too far in with just my tiny tongue trying to break through.

The pressure broke with an explosion. My orgasm was violent. My hips bucked, one leg kicked so hard the heel came flying off, exposing my small foot. Not enough air for me to scream out my orgasm, feeling as if electricity was being coursed through me, there was no control. Just my body convulsing, grunting and trying so, so, SO hard to breathe...

Almost on its own, one hand ripped a hole into the bag, Cool air rushed in and I just laid there, breathing greedily My body twisted on its side. Hands limp on the floor. Eyes closed and still panting. A ripped plastic bag around my neck. Panties around my ankles, skirt hiked up. A marker sticking out of me. I bet I made quite the picture.

After what seemed like forever, I picked myself up. I reset my clothes and picked up everything I used. I cautiously opened the door. Looked around and saw no one. Threw the bag and marker away. I cleaned myself up in the ladies room. Feeling tired, satisfied and feeling marvelously like a dirty girl, I left work.

As I rode the elevator down, I thought, “Oh yes, I AM a dirty slut....”

Friday, June 28, 2019

It is almost that time again; Suzy Kidnap Opportunity at Otakon!!

Otakon ( )
When – 7/26 to 7/28
Where – Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Washington DC

For those of you who are new to this game, a Suzy Kidnap Opportunity is when you have an actual, real chance to “kidnap” me! You will be given a specific, large-area location in which to find me where I will be during certain times. In this case, a convention center over three days!

To successfully “kidnap” me, you have to find me, give the right code phrase and get the right answer (to make sure you have the right girl). If that happens, you've “kidnapped” me!!!

Now, here's what “kidnapping” actually means. For the rest of Otakon, you become my date. You go with me everywhere I go in the convention and buy me Pocky and soda. Also, depending on when we leave the building that day; you get to take me to dinner (nothing TOO outrageous and in Chinatown) or take me to a bar for a couple of drinks, hang out and the meet up the next day. And if we happen to like each other enough...well, there will be some of my gear back at the hotel room....

And yes...both men and women can play; I'm bi, so I don't care what sex you are, honestly.

You get clues. Mostly, I will tell you in a post right before the convention what I am wearing each day. I will be cos-playing, so 2 out of the 3 days there, I will be in a costume. The other day, I will dress up in something formal. You will get a complete description for each day. However, one thing I ALWAYS wear at Otakon is a small, silver ankh off my left wrist. Some day I will reveal the reason why.

But, every year, I let you all vote for one of my cos-play outfits. Majority vote wins and I reveal the outfits a week before Otakon! You can leave your vote here or at my email: . Ok, here are your choices:

Kastsuragi Misato from Evangelion

Shino Kuribayashi from Gate

Chane Laforet from Baccano

So vote for your favorite (and only these that are listed) and majority vote wins!!

Next time I write about this Suzy Kidnap Opportunity, will be a week before the con!

Oh...and I wrote this with my hands in handcuffs and a red ball gag in my mouth...and I just drooled on my tee shirt....


Sunday, June 16, 2019

The Addiction of Being Ruined (short story)

(another story I wrote for the breathplay site)
(please play as you read)

I blinked a few times, looking up at the ceiling. Took a deep breath, and slowly sat up. My whole body felt heavy as I propped myself on my elbow, taking a little break before sitting upright. Hands on the cement floor, I let my head fall back, closed my eyes, took another deep breath.

I turned my head. To my right lay the ropes that had bound me. It looks like she untied me as I was out. A ball gag that I was wearing. And the bag she used to take my breath away. I could see the lipstick on the bag.

I looked down at my body; it was sweaty and marked. Rope marks on my ankles. I was sure there would be some on my wrists and arms as well. There were crop marks on my breasts, on the inside of my thighs; they still hurt a little. In that dull and good way. There was a faint throbbing inside of me....she took her time on me.

I shivered a little, the floor was cold. Then there was a swell of confused feelings. Enjoyment, chaos, panic, need, desire, fear, lust, helplessness and power. It all hit me at once. I bit my lip and looked down at the floor. A wave of emotion making me so little, so small and needy.

I heard her boots on the floor behind me. I closed my eyes. I only needed a moment to myself to get clear and straight. Just a moment. All of those feelings, the way my body overloaded on the delicious orgasm, just as I was passing out...all of those lovely, destructive and addictive things hitting; I needed a moment.

She knelt down behind me. I closed my eyes and shook my head.

She commanded me to lean back against her and in a small, little voice I said, “Not yet...please...just give me a moment...”

Her hands lightly grasped my upper arms, my voice shook, “No, don't, please don't...”

She started to pull me back to her and I whimpered, “Oh, please, please, don't, please...”

She shushed me and I felt her chest on my back and I moaned, “Oh, god...”

I twisted around and into her. One arm going up behind her back, the other hooking around her neck. Scared, needy and wanting and loving and hurting I buried my face into her neck, she smelled like jasmine and then I broke so hard I felt myself shatter into a million pieces.

Hot tears streamed down my cheeks. No sobbing, just silent crying, letting the tears and release and relief out. She stroked my hair and whispered all the things I needed and wanted to hear.

After some time, I was okay. Exhausted and drained, but good. Feeling safe in her arms. I kissed her neck, where I could feel her pulse on my lips. I lingered there, a long kiss for her. I tilted my head up a little and kissed the lobe of her ear.

Once our lovely moment passed, I whispered a demand, “ it again...”

Saturday, June 1, 2019

The Story (fiction)

(another story I wrote from the Breathplay site, enjoy!

(press play before reading)

The Story (fiction)

As a reporter for an online channel, you sometimes have to do some stories that you don't want to do, just to pay the bills. Normally, my boss sends me out on stories on culture; food, wine, the arts...things I know about and enjoy. The channel I work for also has a segment that they call “The Dark Side”. Very cheesy.

This week, “The Dark Side” reporter was unavailable; she was reporting on a thing where you can get yourself kidnapped and we haven't seen in her like two weeks. So, instead of reviewing a new Thai restaurant, my boss plugged me into a story for “The Dark Side”. It was to be about erotic asphyxiation.

I had done my research. I read up on how one can get high off of cutting off oxygen to the brain. Some people even experience hallucinations. And of course, how it can heighten an orgasm to higher level. My boss wanted me to focus on the safety side of this; and the fact that some people die to get this high or orgasm.

The meeting took place in an industrial park that was quite busy. I had been expecting an abandoned, run-down evil-looking place, was just a shop. There were, of course, equipment you might expect: racks, whips, cuffs....standard, television dungeon equipment. The only difference was a metal structure in the middle of the shop. With a white rope noose dangling down.

I met with the Goddess and her pet slave. She was wearing all latex, a bodysuit actually. Very form fitting; her red hair up in a bun. She looked very severe. Her slave, no name for him, was big and muscled. His pants were a little too tight and I could see pretty much everything, which made me blush. But he wore that creepy, leather hood with a gag. Goddess said he was wearing a penis gag. Poor guy.

We sat in two chairs; the slave was on all fours. We had a good, thirty minute interview on the safety of erotic asphyxiation and how deaths occur. I had enough to edit and make a fifteen minute story for the channel segment. That's when Goddess asked if I would like to try the noose around my neck. She thought it would make for good optics.

Not wanting to be rude, I agreed, and honestly, I thought a sign off with a noose around my neck was just cheesy enough for the segment so why not? We reset the camera in front of the gallows, her word not mine and prepared for the shot.

Since I normally do a culture piece, I had an image to maintain. Dressing up the way the now-missing reporter did would make this whole thing look like a third-rate, soft-core porno, so I dressed more conservatively than I normally do.

A beige suit jacket over a long-sleeved, white blouse. High-neck collar and buttoned up, of course. The skirt I chose went past my knees, halfway down my thighs. You can see just enough to know I was wearing hose, and I was wearing short heels. I wore a white headband. Goddess had poked fun at me, asking if I was from the Christian News Network.

I pressed record and walked to the gallows. I had noticed that there was no stage or deck. Goddess simply said she wasn't comfortable with drops and preferred to pull on the rope to lift her so-called willing submissive up by the neck.

She asked me, just as I was approaching if she could cuff my wrists and ankles. I laughed and said no. She shrugged and said she just wanted to show why she would do something like that for safety reasons on camera. After a moment, I gave her permission; it would look good.

As I stood under the noose, her slave approached me in a crawl and put steel cuffs on my ankles. Then he stood up and gently pulled my hands behind me. All the while, Goddess was explaining safety rules. With a very loud click, my wrists were cuffed behind me.

Goddess placed the noose around my neck. I felt a small stab of fear as she cinched tight around my neck. Her slave went to the rope and put his hands on it. I opened my mouth in protest but Goddess quickly told me that he was going to pull just enough to make my head to tilt to one side and then I could make my closing statement with that visual. I nodded, I was still nervous.

Goddess stood next to me and gave her slave a signal. The rope pulled on my neck and my head did tilt some. I was lifted a little bit up, and the noose did cut off a tiny bit of air, but as Goddess said, he would only go so far and stop. I smiled for the camera.

I took a breath and said, “Thank you for watching, my name is Suzy and this is---HRRRGGGKKKK!”

I was viciously pulled up onto my toes, the noose putting pressure on me My mouth went wide open as did my eyes, looking at Goddess. I was squeaking out demands. But Goddess just laughed.

She slipped a gloved hand into my jacket and started to roughly knead my breasts. I squealed and struggled. I demanded that she stop. Then I begged her to. Then I whimpered. And she hissed into my ear, “Oh, stop it! You know you want it you fucking slut...”

As she was groping me roughly, she bit my ear lobe and whispered, “You ARE going to hang, but don't worry, we won't kill you. In fact, if you don't like it...we'll let you go and you can make this an expose, how does that sound?

I tried to nod, but the noose kept me in place. I would have agreed to anything, just get out of that noose! But she kept whispering into my ear.

“But if you LIKE it...then you have to stay here and be my”

I croaked out a yes. I mean, obviously I wasn't going to like it! I figured that I could suffer through it and they might let me go!

Goddess smiled a vicious smile. She stepped back and made sure she wasn't in the way of the camera. She snapped her fingers and the slave pulled me into the air.

I panicked, The air cut off immediately. I could tell that my eyes were bugging out, My mouth kept opening and closing. My ankles kicked a little but were held by the cuffs. I tried pulling on the cuffs, but all I managed to do was make myself sway around a little.

I barely made any sounds, Just small grunts and pathetic whines. As my lungs started to burn, my body took over and refused to listen to my mind. My body told my legs to lift up and they tried but the skirt held them to a point. But I was still kicking. My arms tried to go up one side of my body, hands brushing my breasts in an effort to get to the noose. Finally, after I started to loose strength, my arms went back.

I felt my left heel slide, dangle on my toes for a moment, then fall to the floor.

Pretty soon, I was ignoring the burning in my lungs. There was a rushing feeling of blood in my face. I could hear the blood rush in my ears; it was all I could hear. I knew my eyes were open, but I wasn't really seeing anything.

My body had gotten fairly still. It periodically jerked. But my hands were spasming like crazy behind my back in the cuffs. My nose felt clogged up for some reason. I think I was making a few “hkkking” noises. Pretty soon, just my middle fingers were moving on their own, making jerking motions.

My tongue had started to slip out between my lips. But it felt fat and was taking up the room in my mouth and cheeks. I think I may have drooled over my chin.

And then it hit me; this wonderful feeling. Such pleasure! Such, over-riding pleasure that wiped everything else away. And as I slipped away into the black, my last thought was....”this is so DELICIOUS...”


Two days later, as I sat in my chair, lashed to it with belts. A strict harness, panel gag on my head. And a zip tie on my neck, so tight it was cutting off a lot of my air, but letting me breathe just enough.

My legs were lashed so they were spread. I was on top of a hitachi vibe, moving my hips, rubbing on it at the high setting. I had my training headphones on, Goddess' voice guiding me. Telling me how to be the perfect, submissive, gasper slut for her, for my Goddess.

She came in and took the headphones off. I looked up at her, and tried to beg through the gag to be choked or hung as I was rubbing myself on the vibe. She shushed me and told me that my boss had gotten my resignation and my last story ever.

I sighed in happiness. I then offered Goddess my neck by lifting my chin up.

She smiled down at me, “That's a good gasper. Now be a good slut for me and move your hips faster over that vibe.”

I moved my hips, felt more pleasure and moaned into my gag. And then Goddess put her hands on my neck and squeezed and squeezed and squeezed.....

Monday, May 13, 2019

Want (story)

(this is another story from the Breathplay Fetish site that I wrote, please hit play before reading)

I have a nice, hot cup of coffee, warming both of my hands. A little bit of cream, no sugar. And an egg nog muffin. Most people get crazy with pumpkin-flavored everything...I love egg nog-flavored everything.

I sat at the same small table in the cafe for the past two weeks after I first came in. In the corner, back to the wall. Able to see everyone who comes in. I came here on a recommendation. The coffee is great, the muffins are lovely, the cafe itself is super-cold as there is almost no heat during the winter...but its the view I come for.

By accident, I was sitting at the table when she came in that first day. Taller than me, but then again everyone is taller than me, always wearing boots, always looking beautiful, put-together...and severe. Like a mistress or goddess. Sometimes, she would come in with a cruel smile that...well, made my heart beat a little faster.

Ever since that first day, I made sure I came in at the same time so I could see her. I know I was being a little stalker-rific, but I imagined what it would be like to be on my knees before her. It's been awhile since I've come across someone who I wouldn't mind taking control of me when I needed them to.

Today was another cold day. I had on my red, thin sweater and long skirt with a fleece over the sweater. And my white, leggings going into ankle boots with a scarf around my neck. And I was still cold. But, I forgot about being cold when she walked in at her usual time.

She was not hiding what she was today. Amazing, black boots up to her knees, black skirt, and a black, woolen trench coat. I could see the kid gloves coming out of her coat sleeves that looked like latex, the fishnets on her legs, and black blouse that on second look, I realized that it was latex.

I finally noticed that I was staring at her; just like everyone else. I saw the time on my cell and knew I had to go to work. I fumbled with my plate a little and my legs seemed a bit shaky. I managed to make it to the counter without dropping anything, putting my cup and plate into the bin when she came up behind me.

I looked down to my right and saw her gloved hand. I looked to my left and saw the other one. Trapped. I felt her move against me and suddenly I was shy and scared, so I froze.

She leaned into me. Even through my fleece, I could feel her breasts. I wanted to whimper and push back for the pleasure of feeling her chest. But instead, my chin dropped and I closed my eyes, my little hands holding tightly to the edge of the counter.

She slipped her arms around my stomach and gently pulled me against her body. I could smell jasmine and realized her face was next to my ear.

She was whispering, “I bet if I slipped my fingers into your nasty cunt, they'll come back wet."

My face burned red. Embarrassed and horrified. Because it was true.

Still whispering into my ear, “Oh, you're shaking...are you scared? Do I scare you? Good. I should scare you. I caught you staring at me since the first time you came you like looking at me? Did you think I wouldn't notice, that I might do something about it? Do you regret looking at me now?”

I found myself, eyes still closed, shaking my head no.

She squeezed me and spoke softly, “Mmmmmm.....”

She released me. I opened my eyes and I let up a little on my death grip with the counter. I was hoping that she would just let me walk away with my shame. Walk out and never come back. I was so mortified.

Instead, her gloved hands held my shoulders, and she leaned into my other ear, whispering again, as if she was telling me a secret. She squeezed my shoulders until they hurt and hissed into my ear, “I think you want to get into the limo just outside of the cafe. I think you want to get inside of it. You want to because you know I will be there...”

Biting my lip, I felt my knees growing weak. I shook my head no.

She pulled me into her, my back on her chest again, a harsh whisper, “You want me to put you in handcuffs. You want to be helpless when I strangle you with your own scarf. You want me to kiss you while you struggle for air....”

I heard myself in a small and fragile, voice, “P-p-please...stop...”

I could almost feel the cold smile, “You want me to keep you in leather and lace. You want me to keep you ropes, cuffs and leather. You want your little mouth to be gagged...say it...”

I whimpered, face burning because the cafe was so quiet and everyone was watching and listening....

Squeezing my shoulders, “You want me to choke hang want to suck in the plastic from a bag. You want to feel the burn, the panic, to struggle and beg and want to go under...”

I hid my burning face in my hands.

“You want me to keep you in bondage. You want me to hurt you. You want me to pleasure you. You want me to take your breath away. You know that you want it. You want me to-”

Tears in my eyes, I blurted out, “PLEASE!!!!”

She stopped. It was very quiet in the cafe. I was shaking, almost crying. She softly kissed the top of my head. Both hands flew to my mouth to stop the moan, instead, I made a needy sound into my hands.

Sternly she said, “You have sixty seconds to join me outside. Otherwise, you will never see me again.”

She left me horribly shaken. I was unexpectedly devastated. I listened to her boots as she walked away. Heard the door open and close. And I heard how horribly quiet the cafe was.

Head bowed, I found myself turning and walking to the door. My legs so weak and rubbery, I was afraid I would fall. I walked out into the cold and didn't feel it because she was standing there. Door open to the limo. Waiting for me.

And I knew right then, even though she had known exactly what I wanted, I also knew that she wanted me. Silently, I walked to her, and gave us both what we wanted: love, sex and pain. With a deliciously cruel smile, she said the one last thing to win me over....


Hope you liked my little story!!


Thursday, May 2, 2019

Suzy's Puppy (story)

The following is a story I had written for the Breath Play site. It is the second of about six or seven stories over there that I will bring over to the blog. Hope you like them!!!

(please play while reading)

Puppy was secured to the oak chair with heavy, leather belts. He was completely naked, except for his black hood and gag. Mistress had put him there to reward me for pleasing her today. Normally, he was slave for Mistress, but she decided to make him my puppy today.

His legs were all bound up together, from ankles to thighs and strapped to the chair. His wrists were cuffed behind the back of the chair. There were a large number of belts, taught across his muscular stomach and chest, lashing him to the chair.

The black hood was cloth. His brown eyes able to see me and Mistress. He could move his head around. In his mouth was a penis gag. The gag straps so tight, pulling in the penis far enough in his mouth to know now what it feels like to almost gag on a cock.

He wasn't comfortable. But that didn't really matter. What mattered was that he was securely bound and gagged and perfectly helpless. I looked down and blushed a little: he was certainly into this. His cock was nice and large, almost purple with the need to orgasm.

Mistress instructed me that I only had a little bit of time to play with my puppy. I could do whatever I wanted to him for as long as the air in the bag would last. Once he passed out, playtime with puppy would be over.

I stood there in front of him. Naked with just my collar on. His breathing quickened as Mistress stepped behind him. She slipped the bag over him; he made a small noise. Then she used a zip tie and cinched the bag around his neck. She gestured towards him; time was ticking away.

I straddled him and sat down on his thighs, careful not to touch his cock. He took a breath and the bag deflated a little and then inflated as he exhaled through his nose. I placed my hands on his chest. And through the plastic bag, I saw his eyes grow softer, he even nodded a little.

I ran my hands down his chest. He made small grunting noises, trying so hard not to breathe deeply. The bag made only slight crinkling noises. My little hands glided over his stomach and he accidentally breathed deeply. I was rewarded with the bag sucking in along his hooded cheeks.

I ended the journey with my hands on thighs, almost touching his cock. He looked down and tried to move, tried to get his hips to move so that my hands would touch him. The bag crinkled again, and he stopped. He was using too much air. He grunted a little in frustration.

Our eyes met. I smiled. I entwined my arms over his shoulders, behind his head and pulled myself forward. Sliding along his legs, his eyes widened, feeling my wet pussy as I moved forward. Then his bagged face was right up to mine and went so still, he stopped breathing and just stared at me.

I moved my chest from side to side. My heard nipples on his skin. I sighed when they went over his belts. He was holding his breath, his eyes wider, reacting to my breasts and nipples on him. I left one arm on his shoulder and brought my other hand down between us.

I gently used my palm and pressed his large, and now throbbing, cock against my stomach and held it there. He moaned so loudly and the bad started deflating and inflating again. The cock was huge and hard in my tiny palm. It was pulsing.

I moved my belly forward, pressing his poor cock between me, my hand and his stomach. The whole time I looked into his eyes. They grew soft and unfocused. The bag now pressing against his whole head and then billowing out. Slowly, with his long moans.

Pulling myself tight against his body, I leaned my face to one side of his head and whispered, “You have to cum soon, puppy, before it's too late...”

I nuzzled into his shoulder, stroking one side of his cock while pressing it to my stomach. It was throbbing. It felt so hot and hard. Puppy was trying hard to move his hips.

My hand on his shoulder reached behind his head. I grabbed the plastic bag and pulled. The bag formed to his hooded face. He took a sharp breath in surprise and the plastic sucked in on his mouth, around the gag. His eyes shot open. He tried to shake his head no. I nodded yes.

He started to plead into his gag. I could sort of understand him when he said he couldn't breathe, his voice on the edge of panic. I gently squeezed the shaft of his cock and he loudly moaned a pathetic “pleeeeaaassseee”.

I looked at that bagged face, “You have to cum puppy, you have to cum or else it will be over ...please cum for me puppy...cum for me...”

I still held the bag tight. It was snapping against his nose, plastic going up a little. Eyes with fear, he whimpered over and over and cock started to throb even more.

My hand went up the shaft and to the large head of his cock. The heat was incredible there. I gently squeezed his head, my thumb stroking the base of his head in little circles.

The snapping of the bag on is nose was loud. But not nearly as the loud, gagged “hhnn-ing” noises he was making. They were so high pitched for such a muscular man. He tried shaking his head to loosen my grip. I just laughed.

His body was jerking in the chair. Staining against the belts. His eyes rolled back into his head, the bag sucked around is mouth, his hooded head, plastered against him. I continued stroking him with my thumb, squeezing his head, now moving my stomach on him. Rubbing his cock with my stomach, holding the bad, watching his head jerk around., his mouth opening so wide around the gag that it almost went further into his mouth...

I felt his penis spasm once on my stomach. The again. His whole body tensed up. His head lolled back and he let out the most pathetic whimper that I think was supposed to be a scream. His body moved inside the belts as if being electrocuted and then he came.

His cock almost pistoned in my hand. Then it was convulsing, And I felt the most wonderful warmth shoot up my belly. It was hot, and it made gasp. I kept stroking him with thumb and holding his head. I stroked him for a moment: I wanted all the cum to be on me....

I cooed as the last drop came out. Puppy was very still. His slowly jerked a little, like one last try to get the bag off of him. His body did a couple small jerks and went still. Our stomachs pressed together, his cum on us both.

Mistress quickly cut the bag open. She took out his gag. I could him breathing. But he was out cold. Head hanging forward, slightly drooling.

As I walked away from his bound and unconscious body, Mistress called after me, “Nice and clean,'s my turn to play with my little kitten...”