
Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Post-Otakon Suzy Kidnap Opportunity 2019

Sigh...didn't get “kidnapped” again.... Although, I may be paranoid here, but I think got the serious eye by two guys and one lingering look from a girl who I think was cosplaying a character from Durarara, the one who is death on a motorcycle....

But I had a great time! Met a few people, made new friends, saw some cool stuff...wanted to buy some cool stuff...bought some cool stuff I probably shouldn't have.....

No hook ups this year. Or kissed anyone lustfully. Hugs and cheek kisses...I wasn't really looking for anything more than that this year.

Soooo...I think I might have one or two more years of cosplay left. Doesn't mean I won't dress up in dresses or create outfits for myself (or perhaps someone else can do it for me?), but I think that I like doing that better....perhaps more pictures were taken of me when I wasn't in cosplay this year? I dunno...but it was fun!

So, perhaps next year someone will find me and “kidnap” me...

(BTW, wrote this while handcuffed and ball gagged)

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