
Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Return to the Room (story) by suzyisgagged

(please play while reading)

I had been away from the room for too long...

I missed getting the commands to appear at the quiet apartment in downtown Baltimore. I missed using my key to come into a silent place, missed walking on the hardwood floors. I missed going to the bedroom, to find the clothes I would wear for the planned sessions. But work is work, and even Mistress and Sir understood that.

Earlier in the day, I felt the need. I felt a longing. And I had the time. And for once, it was I who made the proper texts. Telling Sir and Mistress that I would be there in the evening. If they wanted to come. If they still wanted me.

Much later, I found myself at the door. My key slid in and worked perfectly. I walked in and stood for a moment in the main hallway, looking to the left; the main room and kitchen with its sparse furniture. To the right, the long hallway with several doors, of which only two were ever available to me.

The click of my heels on the floor echoed. The white and grays of the walls and doors very simple. Very spartan. The bedroom door was open. I walked in and saw the large bed. A note and what I was to wear laying on it.

I took off my work clothes. I went to the shower adjacent to the bedroom. After cleaning off the day, I set about to make myself up. Then, once ready, I went to the bed to put on my clothes for the session.

The collar went on first. Wide, black leather, constraining and comforting on my neck. The single, silver ring gleaming. I flicked at it and listened to the clink of metal. I smiled. This was Mistress's wish for me to wear.

I was given just one piece of clothing; one of Sir's white shirts. The sleeves rolled up just enough. I slipped it on and buttoned it up, leaving the last quarter undone, the collar of the shirt wide open. I used the white silk strip in my short hair as a headband, tying it into a small bow on top. Sir's desire for me tonight.

No heels for me. No hose, no garters, nothing but bare legs. The red lipstick left for me. The dark eye shadow and mascara. My feet somewhat cold on the bare, wood floor.

I read the note. The simple commands.

I got on my hands and knees and crawled out of the bedroom. I turned left and slowly went down the hallway, the only light coming from other buildings through the one window; a pulsing red from across and above.

I crawled to the only other open door in the hallway. The room. The room I always went to. The room I so desperately missed. I crawled inside, feeling excited and calm at seeing the familiar sights.

The single bulb in the center of the room, hanging down, creating a circle of light. Inside the circle were the pillows, arranged in the most comfortable mound on the hardwood floor. Just like always.

I crawled towards the light. Past Sir's chair. Next to the camera, hooked up to a lap top. I looked up as I slinked past the empty chair; the camera's red light already on. Already streaming to an audience. Just for a moment, I glanced at the screen on the lap top and saw the men and women who loved to watch me suffer, to be submissive, to enjoy my pleasure and my pain...all of them logging on. I crawled away.

Knowing that so many were watching me. Watching me crawl back to the room, to the pillows, to Sir and Mistress...and to them. Happy. Feeling happy to be back to them. To offer myself up again. All those unknown viewers I know so well.

I made it to the pillows. In the center were two items I was instructed to put on for the camera, for the audience. I raised up and sat back on my knees, looking right at the camera. I blew everyone a small kiss and let out a very brief, small smile for them.

I reached down to the first item. The black ball gag. I lifted it up by the straps, pulled them tight. I regarded it for a moment, and gave it a kiss, lingering, tasting it. Looking directly into the camera, I pulled the ball into my little mouth.

A slow pull. The ball going past my teeth. I pulled the straps back, behind me. Slipped one end through the clasp. I paused and then viciously pulled it tight. I let out a small noise and my eyes slid shut in pleasure.

They opened only when I cinched the clasp and buckle. The leather straps pulling into the corners of my tiny mouth. I traced a finger from my lower lip, over my chin, under it, stopping just under my neck.

I glanced down and saw the leather cuffs. Fur-lined. Pad locks next to each one. I placed one on my wrist. Slid the pad lock on and locked it with a satisfying click. I drew my wrists behind me. Locked in my other wrist.

Still looking at the camera, I brought my bound wrists to one side and up. Turned slightly. Wanting to show them, all of them, that I was helpless.

As per the commands, I slowly lowered myself onto the pillows. I lay down on my side, facing the camera...always facing the camera. I sighed, body inside the crisp, white shirt, breasts visible, but not exposed. Lips framing my gag. I let out a nice, satisfied noise...

Within moments, Sir walked in. Wearing one of his shirts, black tie and slacks, Italian shoes softly making noises as he walked in. He stopped at the chair, put his hand on it, regarding me, looking dark, stylish and perfect. The quintessential gentleman demon.

Mistress came in. Looking severe as always. Lovely boots that I have licked in submission, clicking on the floor. Knee-length, latex skirt framing her legs. A short-sleeved blouse, buttoned all the way up. Her lovely, blonde hair flowing down her shoulders, blue cat-eyes to get lost in and that evil and delicious smile....

Together, they walked to me, the camera capturing them. Then capturing us, showing the three of us to an audience of so many. Mistress and Sir looking down at me. Silent. Approving. Stern. Waiting.

I turned my torso so I looked up at them. Wrists bound in heavy leather behind me. Bare legs still to the side. Offering my body. Letting Sir, Mistress and the audience know. Know that I still wanted them. Always wanted them...

As I looked into Sir and Mistress's heartbreakingly lovely faces, I slowly nodded my chin upwards at them, my eyes not letting them look away, giving them the one, silent command that really mattered with a slow blink of my eyes....

I need you. I love you. Drown me in pleasure. Do it. Now.

And they obeyed.

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