
Friday, June 28, 2019

It is almost that time again; Suzy Kidnap Opportunity at Otakon!!

Otakon ( )
When – 7/26 to 7/28
Where – Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Washington DC

For those of you who are new to this game, a Suzy Kidnap Opportunity is when you have an actual, real chance to “kidnap” me! You will be given a specific, large-area location in which to find me where I will be during certain times. In this case, a convention center over three days!

To successfully “kidnap” me, you have to find me, give the right code phrase and get the right answer (to make sure you have the right girl). If that happens, you've “kidnapped” me!!!

Now, here's what “kidnapping” actually means. For the rest of Otakon, you become my date. You go with me everywhere I go in the convention and buy me Pocky and soda. Also, depending on when we leave the building that day; you get to take me to dinner (nothing TOO outrageous and in Chinatown) or take me to a bar for a couple of drinks, hang out and the meet up the next day. And if we happen to like each other enough...well, there will be some of my gear back at the hotel room....

And yes...both men and women can play; I'm bi, so I don't care what sex you are, honestly.

You get clues. Mostly, I will tell you in a post right before the convention what I am wearing each day. I will be cos-playing, so 2 out of the 3 days there, I will be in a costume. The other day, I will dress up in something formal. You will get a complete description for each day. However, one thing I ALWAYS wear at Otakon is a small, silver ankh off my left wrist. Some day I will reveal the reason why.

But, every year, I let you all vote for one of my cos-play outfits. Majority vote wins and I reveal the outfits a week before Otakon! You can leave your vote here or at my email: . Ok, here are your choices:

Kastsuragi Misato from Evangelion

Shino Kuribayashi from Gate

Chane Laforet from Baccano

So vote for your favorite (and only these that are listed) and majority vote wins!!

Next time I write about this Suzy Kidnap Opportunity, will be a week before the con!

Oh...and I wrote this with my hands in handcuffs and a red ball gag in my mouth...and I just drooled on my tee shirt....



Catherdr said...

I like Shino Kuribayashi from Gate as a costume for you.

Sensualswitch13 said...

My vote is for Kastsuragi Misato