
Sunday, August 11, 2019

For NJKidnapper, Ginary and Unisexi

(press play before reading)

I hope you all are having a great time at FetCon! I'm here, in my apartment, doing my usual, naughty things. And tonight is movie night, so....

At the moment, I am wearing just a red, pj top. A collar with a single ring on it. Yes, a leash is attached to it. Possibly for later...

My ankles are bound in a belt tie. Two belts firmly cinching my thighs right up against my hitachi vibe. There is another, wider black belt around my torso and under my chest. I have just enough room to squeeze my arms in. And once I do that, on go the metal cuffs with my wrists behind me.

Before I do that, I have to gag myself, of course. I have a small mouth, but...I'm going for endurance tonight, so to make it a little tougher for me, I'm using my big, black ball gag. Stretch my mouth out. Will most definitely be drooling within minutes, and my jaw will probably be sore tomorrow...but I do like my gags, so its worth it!

But before I do any of that, I have to start the movie. I will be placing myself on the couch this evening. Then the gag goes into my tiny mouth. Then on goes the hitachi. Then I cuff myself for the rest of the movie and pretend I'm one of the characters.

Tonight's movie is an oldie but a goodie. Not one of my usual ZFX flicks. It will be “Ivy Manor 2”.

The movie is about an hour long, so I'm thinking possibly 3 orgasms? We'll see. One of my favorites.

As always, the door will be unlocked. If some gentleman demon or vicious vixen were to come in, they could pour themselves a glass of wine (merlot called Velvet Devil, pretty decent) and watch me writhe and moan my way through the movie. Or they could untie my legs and take me out for a walk on the leash.....

And if no one shows up while I'm having my little fun...perhaps I'll untie my legs after the movie is over. Put my arms back into the belt, re-cuff myself and take a late night elevator trip to the basement to the gym and back, walk up and down the hall in my bare feet....

Yes, that is my floor's hallway. A clue to where I live!!! (cue dramatic music)

Alright, it's 2:08 and it's time for me to get started. Gagged kissed to everyone!


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