
Sunday, June 16, 2019

The Addiction of Being Ruined (short story)

(another story I wrote for the breathplay site)
(please play as you read)

I blinked a few times, looking up at the ceiling. Took a deep breath, and slowly sat up. My whole body felt heavy as I propped myself on my elbow, taking a little break before sitting upright. Hands on the cement floor, I let my head fall back, closed my eyes, took another deep breath.

I turned my head. To my right lay the ropes that had bound me. It looks like she untied me as I was out. A ball gag that I was wearing. And the bag she used to take my breath away. I could see the lipstick on the bag.

I looked down at my body; it was sweaty and marked. Rope marks on my ankles. I was sure there would be some on my wrists and arms as well. There were crop marks on my breasts, on the inside of my thighs; they still hurt a little. In that dull and good way. There was a faint throbbing inside of me....she took her time on me.

I shivered a little, the floor was cold. Then there was a swell of confused feelings. Enjoyment, chaos, panic, need, desire, fear, lust, helplessness and power. It all hit me at once. I bit my lip and looked down at the floor. A wave of emotion making me so little, so small and needy.

I heard her boots on the floor behind me. I closed my eyes. I only needed a moment to myself to get clear and straight. Just a moment. All of those feelings, the way my body overloaded on the delicious orgasm, just as I was passing out...all of those lovely, destructive and addictive things hitting; I needed a moment.

She knelt down behind me. I closed my eyes and shook my head.

She commanded me to lean back against her and in a small, little voice I said, “Not yet...please...just give me a moment...”

Her hands lightly grasped my upper arms, my voice shook, “No, don't, please don't...”

She started to pull me back to her and I whimpered, “Oh, please, please, don't, please...”

She shushed me and I felt her chest on my back and I moaned, “Oh, god...”

I twisted around and into her. One arm going up behind her back, the other hooking around her neck. Scared, needy and wanting and loving and hurting I buried my face into her neck, she smelled like jasmine and then I broke so hard I felt myself shatter into a million pieces.

Hot tears streamed down my cheeks. No sobbing, just silent crying, letting the tears and release and relief out. She stroked my hair and whispered all the things I needed and wanted to hear.

After some time, I was okay. Exhausted and drained, but good. Feeling safe in her arms. I kissed her neck, where I could feel her pulse on my lips. I lingered there, a long kiss for her. I tilted my head up a little and kissed the lobe of her ear.

Once our lovely moment passed, I whispered a demand, “ it again...”

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