
Thursday, November 12, 2015

Sometimes Gags Are Meant to be Cruel

We all know I love gags and how they put me into subspace and make me feel sexy...but sometimes, gags are meant to be horrible and cruel and degrading...

This gag represents a fantasy of mine...the feel of the straps tight on my head, the panel forced over my mouth, jammed and pressing into my lips...and the fear as you keep pumping the gag, the rubber expanding in my tiny mouth, but the harness forces the rubber in one direction; my throat...will you hear my pleas to stop before you make me choke?

This is designed for pain. It is a punishment. The heavy metal pulling the tongue out and pinching down; not being able to form words and eventually breaking down the sub with pain an numbness.  I've done this with chopsticks...I wasn't quiet, but could only make long moaning sounds...and the gag did it's job: it broke me and sent me into subspace...

Another gag not designed to make one quiet. This is more along the lines of degradation. The ring forces the mouth open, unable to close, telling the wearer that she is not a person, but a toy. To further the notion, the tongue is on display, as an invitation for use...further convincing the sub that she is a play toy and nothing more and there is nothing she can do about it.  When I used to model gear this was one of my favorites as people really wanted to play with my tongue.

The brutal, kidnapper gag.  Certainly made to keep your victim quiet.  But many submissives like me enjoy these gags.  Largely, because we can scream and be as loud and lose as much control as we want without too much noise.  But they are punishing gags, usually a packed mouth, tape over hair...very exhausting.  In a perfect world, I would be a gag model for Eric Cain...

I love the look of gags that contort the mouth into unnatural and harsh positions.  You really need endurance for these gags.  Again, they really aren't made to make you quiet, but rather to induce you to moan and whimper helplessly, making you beg for release in the end...I've been know to cry after awhile when gagged like this...

Nothing puts a submissive in her place like a humiliating gag. It is made to silence her, but also to let her know her place, not just as a toy, but as a thing and a way to break down the will. Bad enough to be at the mercy of another, but having panties shoved over her head tells her who the boss is and it isn't her.  I usually don't get these gags as I get into place fairly quickly...unless I'm being kidnapped...

So, not all gags are sexy and attractive.  Not all gags are meant to be attractive.  Some gags are meant to be cruel and to shove the submissive into the right spot or to punish...and honestly, I don't about others...but the I love the grunting, whining, whimpering and moaning that these hard and cruel gags make me well as that one thing that all gags do that simply let's everyone know how helpless and useless you are...drooling uncontrollably...

Here's a little movie clips of gags I would love to do and do again!!

Wrote this with my tube gag in, straps are digging into my cheeks, tiny, pink tongue sticking out and drooling all over myself...I'm such a gag whore....


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