
Friday, November 20, 2015

Bondage, Mainstream Movies/TV and Me

So, not including cartoons, there have been plenty of moments on TV and in movies where there would be a bondage scene where I would go, "...oh...hey..." and be distracted for the rest of the program.  Here's just a mere sampling of what I have enjoyed in the past...

"The Big Hit", while a funny movie (because it was really bad), had some really nice moments in it with China Chow.  I saw this on cable while in college, where my desire for bondage grew, but had few to play with, so self bondage was the norm.  Quite simply, I liked the outfit enough to drag out my old uniform, loved the ineffectual gag (it just looked good) and replayed the manhandling and carrying scenes.  This is probably where I first started to see the attraction of being bound, gagged and carried. And the kidnapping scenes were right up my alley!!!

"Lair of the White Worm" totally took me by surprise.  I first saw it during a horror movie marathon, again in college, and had no idea about the sexuality of the whole movie. So, when one of the heroines gets tied up in classic DiD fashion, it was really hard not to start touching myself. Another big bonus for me was that the evil woman had a total dominatrix thing going on that made me want to change places with the girl above...especially during the scene where the woman molests the poor, virginal girl...mmmm...I so wanted to be the DiD in that movie!!!  

"Big Trouble in Little China".  Oh, boy.  Aside from cartoons, this was one of the first movies where I saw bondage as a very young teen where I said to myself, "Yeah, oh...yeah...I really want someone to do that to me..."

While I thought the Asian damsel was drop-dead gorgeous, her bondage was cool and I liked it, but it was Kim Cattrail in bondage that seemed to do it to me. I always felt that the scenes of her were way too short!!  And this was one of the first times, aside from certain cartoons, where I felt a very real sexual response to bondage, and wanting it done to me.

At this point in my life, I knew I liked bondage, but like my sexuality, it was kind of ill-defined.  There wasn't any real likes or dislikes of certain types, or what particular roles I identified with. While submissive, I was young enough not to use that term, because I didn't really know it.  I was also too young to understand the idea of submission or domination. My thing about bondage, at that time in my early teens was that the idea of being tied up and gagged, struggling until I was saved, appealed to me and then began to be sexual where I enjoyed the idea of kissing my rescuer.

It was "Big Trouble in Little China" that first made me realize that not only did I like the idea of being the DiD...but that perhaps, I wanted to stay that way. And it was also the first time where the idea of being held captive by women made me a little breathless.  Further, the idea of being kept, of being subdued and being used sexually...excited me. Then my fantasies started to include not only being kissed after being rescued, but being forced to kiss or fondled while bound and gagged while I struggled...this move made a huge impression on me to say the least...

Alright, I wrote tonight's missive while sitting at my desk, blue pj pants, a white tee, ankle socks, ankles cuffed to the chair, a nice, tight, scarf cleave gag and my hands cuffed with metal cuffs in front of me...perhaps I should re-cuff my hands behind me...yeah, I'll do that...and, as always, the door is unlocked...


1 comment:

Beepy said...

Hi, Suzy. I found this post kind of randomly, and it really grabbed me! It seems we had some very similar formative experiences with some of the same films and TV shows. As near to mainstream as bondage has become, I think I'll always have vestiges of those childhood feelings that I was a lone weirdo for being turned on by images of gagged women. Running across scenes in movies and shows that I was interested in for other reasons, like Big Trouble (I was a martial arts student and John Carpenter fan) and White Worm (Ken Russell / general scary movie fan) was always a wonderful bonus, and of course I was not above renting stupid stuff like The Big Hit if it had a good scene. Of course, I've watched much worse movies for scenes that weren't anywhere near as good. I imagine you must have, too?
" was Kim Cattrail in bondage that seemed to do it to me. I always felt that the scenes of her were way too short!..."
Ha ha, this one made such a huge impression on me, too, out of all proportion to it's length! Interesting thing, though, have you noticed that they seemed to try and do a kind of slapstick type goofing around with her gag? There are a couple of rushed, aborted attempts to untie it before and while they flee, and it's implied that Kim knocks Jack into the water in her ultimately successful frenzy to get the gag off. This whole idea is a giant turn-on for me, and I wish they had made a bigger deal of it, but it greatly lengthens Kim's on-screen gag time so I'll take it. Scenes where the damsel is gagged but not otherwise restrained are an even bigger buzz for me, and that's they way I've often played with various women over the years.
I'm enjoying some more of your posts, too, but this was so congruent with my own experiences that I was compelled to write. Thanks for sharing, stay safe, and all the best.