
Sunday, November 1, 2015

Slef-bondage, link to a Grabbed & Gagged video and you really need to gag me

So, I hope everyone had a lovely Halloween...I had to work...sniff, sniff....

But had some time to put together a little Grabbed & Gagged video for you guys in honor of Halloween here to see it at the video blog of mine:

In the meantime...wearing white knee socks, white panties, a Star Wars tee, ankles and thighs are soft cuffed again...and of course, the hitachi strapped to one leg and properly placed on a lovely spot....I will turn it on high (of course) after gagging myself, starting a movie on my lap top and then cuffing myself...another ZFX video...this one in fact...

But I have to confess, when you love gags like I do, you sort of anticipate it all day. And honestly, while self-bondage is on the menu tonight, I would love it if someone else would put the gag on would be so delicious...I just can't wait to put this nice, large, red ball gag in my mouth...

Since the door is unlocked...perhaps one of you would like to come in and make a game of putting gags in my tiny mouth all night....


1 comment:

knotbot5000 said...

I keep searching for your door, ballgag stuffed in my pocket.