
Saturday, July 16, 2016

Your Little Slut (story)

I followed the directions in your note: I dressed up slutty for you.

A nice and tight black tube top with nothing on underneath. A red ribbon as a choker. A shiny, black skirt that just went down to my thighs. Fishnets and knee-high, black boots. My make-up heavy and very red lips...completed with a black, bob wig.

Your directions said for me to ride the bus. Not to sit down, but to stand the whole way. You wanted everyone to get a good look at me. You wanted me to feel them fuck me with their eyes. Feel their fantasy of being on my knees, sucking their cocks, eating pussy...knowing I couldn't leave until everyone had their way. The ride was only ten minutes, but by the end of it, all of my clothes felt too tight and I desperately wanted you to rip away, hands and mouth all over me...

I made it to your place, shaking a little. Using my key, I let myself in and went to our barren room at the end of the apartment's hallway. As always, there was only the one light bulb hanging down, a small circle of light. Usually, you have me on pillows, but tonight, there was a chair and a small table with equipment. And, as always, the light on...viewers waiting and watching...

There was a small note on the table. More instructions from you. I read it quickly and started to complete my task; you would be coming in soon. Facing the camera, I sat down in the chair and cuffed each booted ankle to a leg of the chair. Next, a belt went around the back of the chair and cinched under my breasts.

Then the red ball gag. I smiled at the camera, at everyone watching me. I kissed the ball of the gag. Gave a slow lick with my tiny, pink tongue. Holding the straps, I lifted the gag up, opened my mouth and very, very slowly pulled it in. My eyes going back into my head as the gag filled my small mouth.

The last bit was to cuff my hands. They were cuffed behind the back of the chair, pushing my torso against the belt restraining me. The handcuffs were cold steel and locked me in. No trick cuffs, only you could release me with a key.

Straining and writhing for the audience watching. Begging and pleading from my gag lips, my eyes helpless and beseeching you to save me, to release me. I started to work myself up, breathing heavily, moaning and whimpering. Getting so ready, getting so wet. So ecstatic when you finally came into the room.

Standing behind the camera, you did your delightfully evil chuckle and asked, “Does the little slut want to cum?”

I nodded.

The slut needs to show she wants to cum.”

I looked at you and started to move my hips. Trying to undulate, spread my legs wider, showing you how badly I wanted to cum.

The slut needs to beg for it. Beg for it slut.”

I nodded again, still moving my hips, looking up at you, “Plsh...plsh lemmmemmmumm..plsh..”

You just shook head, “I can't hear the slut.”

I repeated myself over and over. You just laughed and told me to be louder. Soon, I was screaming into the gag, begging, wide-eyed, begging for an orgasm, drool cascading down my chin, all over me, and in my desperation, I kept forcing myself forward with each screaming effort, drool splatting on the floor.

The desperation went higher and higher. My poor, nasty little pussy was throbbing with need. Each moan drawing out with a gagged “please”. Soon, I was just whimpering, on the verge of tears.

You walked towards me, back to the camera. The audience never sees your face, just mine. You looked down at me. Smirking. I lifted my eyes and whimpered out another “please” into the gag.

You lifted my chin with a finger, leaned into my face, “The slut does not deserve my attention.”

I watched you walk away from me. My eyes wide in disbelief. Silence from me. The only sound was your footsteps as you walked. Stunned, I simply followed you with my eyes. You stopped at the door. You turned to look at me, opening the door wider, letting a woman, on all fours crawl in.

You patted her on the head, “The slut over there needs to cum...don't stop until she passes out.”

She turned and looked at me...and then licked her lips....


Hope you liked this story. It was written while being ball gagged. Mmmpphh!

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