
Thursday, August 8, 2013

Otakon: Annual Kidnap Suzy Opportunity!

The Annual Suzy Kidnap Opportunity at Otakon has arrived!

And the first ever outfit choice by you guys for this event!

For those new to this little game, it's basically one of the few times out of the year where I am in a fixed location for longer than 3 hours and you have a realistic chance of actually meeting me in the flesh! But there are rules you *have* to follow!

1. To “kidnap” me, you will be given descriptions of what I will look like on each of the three days of the convention...pre-registration doesn't count. I'll be in a line, unable to escape!

  1. Should you find me, you need to make a confirmation. This is to make you sure you actually find *me* and not frighten some poor girl...resulting in your arrest. I will provide the key phrase you *must* say to me and I will give you the confirmation. It *must* be exactly as I write down. Again this is for everyone's protection.

  1. Ok, I haven't mentioned this part before because I didn't want to scare people off, and he hasn't been to all the Otakons with me before but he will be here this year. Upon confirmation, I call Blue, aka Bluemoon. He's my “heavy”. He gets to meet you before anything else happens and gives me the OK to continue with you. And I will be checking in with him.

  1. What does “kidnapping” me actually mean? What it means is that once I give you the confirmation...the first thing you get to do is to buy me Pocky! Second, when time permits (there may be things I want to see, in that case you have to come with me!), we'll have a drink together, soda or booze, and talk. And if things go well....well, we'll see. :)

Got it? Great! Now, for your hints!

Friday – I always wear an ao dai, but I'm changing it up this year with a red shanghai dress. It will be high-necked with a single-buckle button, short sleeved and the skirt portion comes ust above my knees. My hair is hsort right now, so no decorative hair pieces, but I will be wearing an ankh on my left wrist.

Saturday – Cosplaying! This is the outfit I will wearing chosen by you guys! Ok, I had single votes that resulted in a I chose one based on the fact that the person who chose it had fun comments directed at her. So the character I will be cosplayng will be...Nagisa Aoi from Strawberry Panic! Google this character to see the description. *WARNING*: other girls will be cosplaying as her. Look for the ankh on my left wrist! Oh, and a wig will be involved....   Here's a pic:

Sunday – Black, button down, silk shirt, short sleeved and a thin, red tie. Blue jeans tucked into black boots with heels, ankh on the left wrist again, and sunglasses. Oh, and a leather collar with a single silver ring in front. Very red lipstick. If you get me on this day, you can actually leash me if you like....

Ok, now you know what I will look like, so here's what *you* need to say to me if you think you've found me:

*Do you think anyone would eat sushi if it had scrapple in it?*

The confirmation code from me *has* to be this:

*Only those who go to the Rappa Scrapple factory.*

Got it? Good! The last thing anyone wants is to be put on CNN and described as a sex fiend....

Now, on Fetlife, there has been some talk about a reward if someone kidnaps me and brings me to AngelDarling. I have absolutely no problem with this....but you may end up kneeling next to me as we look up to her and wonder just exactly what orifice she is going to stick that dildo into...dunno about you all but I'm sure I'll enjoy it!

So, you all know the drill for this upcoming Friday thru Sunday (9th thru the 11th)! So far, I haven't been “kidnapped”. I think a couple people have come close, but not quite! In the meantime, I'm slapping in a ballgag, putting on the cuffs, getting on the couch with my vibe while an Ashlee Rene movie is playing!

Good luck this weekend!


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