
Tuesday, December 5, 2017

A Desperate Need (story)

I look up at each wrist. Each one is secured in a fur-lined, heavy leather cuff, padlocked in. A chain goes from each cuff, upwards, to the top of the bedpost, pulling each arm taut.

Looking down at my ankles, it is much the same way. Each leg pulled towards one side of the bed. Making my legs strain a little.

I look down, to my left, and on the table are the instruments that she will want to use tonight. A flogger, my favorite crop, nipple clamps, a nice-sized vibe if I am good; a cane if I am bad. And the knife that she will use to cut away the black lace bra and panties, leaving me in just in black heels.

The gag in my mouth is cruel. A hard, bit gag, pulled tightly into the corners of my small mouth. Forcing my tiny, pink tongue down, unable to make words, just whimpers, moans and screams of delight and pain.

Mistress walks towards me. Looking severe and seductive. A long, black skirt with a slit up one side. White, long-sleeved blouse, buttoned up collar. Black kid gloves on. Powerfully red lips and blue eyes with her dark hair up and off her lovely neck.

Her boots make noise as she walks towards me. Very loud on the wood floor. She looks stern, almost angry. Powerful. My heart races a bit more between lust and fear. She's different tonight; not sure why. I'm hoping that she finds me a good girl and not use the cane on my bottom.

She comes right up to me. Looks down at me, face unreadable. She reaches behind me and undoes the gag. I'm nervous, she always makes me wear a gag through the whole session. She roughly rips the bit out of my mouth. I work my jaw a little. She tosses the gag to one side, glaring at me.

She reaches behind me and grabs my short, brown hair. She violently pulls my head back, delicious pain surprising me and exciting me; I gasp out loud.

Her other, gloved hand grabs my chin and her fingers dig into my cheeks. She's holding my head in place. With clenched teeth, she shakes my head once, twice...violently. I'm scared, I don't know what's happening, why is my Mistress acting like this...she moves to shake my head once more.

Instead, her hand releases my hair. It cradles the back of my head. The other hand lets go of me face and caresses it, still holding my chin, but gently, and she kisses me.

She closes her eyes. Her lips land on mine. Oh, they are so soft...she presses them to me, just her lips, it's so gentle and lovely. Her hands on my head holding and caressing me. She pulls away slowly and her eyes slide open to look at me.

My knees go weak. I'm melting. I smell the jasmine on her. I see her blue eyes, so soft now, red lips parted. Her hands leaving me and I don't have the strength to tell her not to.

She looks at me. And she's scared. She's actually trembling. My Mistress is trembling.

She is shaking as she whispers to me, “Please...please say yes...oh, please say yes...”

Too many words are choked off in my throat. I do the only thing I can. I nod to my Mistress. I find that I'm smiling a little as I do it. I nod yes for her.

With a small sound she slips her arm around my waist. Her hand in my hair, pulling me forward to her, the smell of jasmine, her body on mine, she kisses me so, so, so deeply that I give up to her. Everything. I give her all of me, and then I close my eyes as I feel her tears on my cheeks.

Oh, Mistress...if I had known...if you had told me...I would have said yes long ago...oh, my poor and beautiful have me'll be have me in your'll be okay....I'm here now... 

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