
Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Kidnap Opportunity and Alley Walk Earlier Today (4/24/17)

Sadly...I wasn't “kidnapped” to get a Thai dinner. So sad....

But, I was able to do an alley walk!! For those of you who don't know what that is, I basically find an alley in Baltimore, put on cuffs and a gag and walk up down an alley a few times...will I be discovered? Am I being watched? All of that does it for me...

So, from the Fetlife post, here is what I wore today:

jeans, black converse sneakers with black socks (cross bones on them), a Misfits tee and a pea coat. Just had my hair cut, but will be wearing a white head band. Also, a choker with my silver ankh on it. I'll be wearing a black backpack.

And here is what I brought with me:

 inside my back pack, will be a pair of quick-release handcuffs, my soft bit gag and a large, black ball gag. And there will be a pair of sunglasses that I will be wearing for the alley walk

And here is the picture of the alley I was in today (4/25/17):

I hung out under the fire escape for a little while. Hand cuffed behind me. Big, black ball gag in my tiny mouth. Struggling, wondering if someone would find me...

Hoping that someone would. A man or woman just passing by, seeing me trying to get free and as they approach me, I would beg for help while gagged. Only to my horror and excitement...they would reach under my tee and fondle my breasts as I try to make gagged pleas for help...and then turn my red face away as my jeans are pulled down...seeing that I shave down there...kneeling down as they pull my clothes to my ankles...licking me, fingering whimpering for it to stop, even as I move my hips, even as I get wetter, even as I scream no into the gag, my mind is begging for an orgasm....

But, that also didn't happen. Sigh...

Perhaps next time....


(wrote this naked and in a bit gag)

1 comment:

Tyler15237 said...

I love that you draft updates while gagged. Hot.