
Tuesday, May 16, 2017

On My Knees (very short story)

(press play before reading)

You have me kneeling before you. Knees resting on a small, violet pillow, hands behind me in such lovely and heavy leather cuffs, padlocked in.

You picked out what you wanted me to wear. Black heels, black hose held up to a lace garter belt, black lace panties and open, silk blouse, short. My ankh cameo on a black ribbon for my neck and long, black kid gloves up to my elbows.

I walked out to you, as you sat in your very lonely chair. Slowly. Hands behind my back, wrists crossed. When I go to you, you made a motion, and I turned in a circle until you held up your hand for me to stop. You snapped your fingers and I obediently knelt on the pillow before you.

You leaned forward and gazed at me; my head bent forward, eyes down, as you like it. That's when you put the heavy cuffs on me, comforting pressure on my wrists, the finality of the padlocks clicking shut. You sat back down in the only chair of this empty room.

You snapped your fingers twice; the order to look up. You pulled out a ball gag from your pocket. My favorite one. The red, well-chewed one. You held it with one hand as you leaned forward. And then I just couldn't help myself...

I leaned forward and up, catching you by surprise; you froze. My small, pink tongue flicked out and I gently and slowly licked your chin. Smiling, I sat back on my heels.

Your empty hand lashed out and grabbed my hair. You pulled it, making my head turn to the side and you brought me up to your face. You made me gasp, rolled my eyes back and closed them, and the pain...oh, the pain was so *delicious*...

You held me there, by my hair, both of us breathing heavily. I opened my eyes and and looked at you hungrily. I licked my red lips before whispering to you.

Wreck me.”

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