
Thursday, January 26, 2017

Beckoned (story)

I got the note at work today. A simple note on a card. It was a time and a place I know well. It's only fifteen minutes by cab. When I get these notes, I simply come when beckoned.

I have my own key to this condo. It's in an older building, tenth floor. Lovely condos, very private. I come here to play when I am called for.

The apartment is sparsely furnished. There is a glass of water on the table with another note. As I drink the water, I read the note. It tells me exactly where to go and what to do. I am to go to the only open door on the left, down the long hallway, no where else.

My hear skips a little as I walk down the hallway, heels clicking on the hardwood floor. I stop at the open door and look at the end of the hall. The door there is closed but light is coming out from the crack at the bottom. That's the room the I play in. I've been in two of the other four bedrooms. Those other rooms are for others, forbidden to me.

I walk into my bedroom. A white box on the ornate poster bed. Another note. This note commands me to put on the clothes in the box and to hang my work clothes up in the closest. This means I will be spending the night here. I lay down the note and open the box.

I quickly change into the black lace panties and bra. Garters and stockings. I slip the heels on, a little tall for me, but I can still walk in them. I clasp the ankle straps. I pull out the collar. It's my normal collar that I wear here. A collar well-worn and loved. A soft, black leather collar with a single ring in front.

I take my time putting it on. Loving the familiar feel, the small thrill as I pull it tightly on my neck before clasping it into the proper notch. It's been rubbed with oil recently: I like that smell.

I stand up and put on the new, black silk robe that was also in the box. Cool, slinky. I slip the belt on and use a loose knot. I am sure this will be coming off soon.

I walk out the door, leaving it open. When I am here, it isn't allowed to be closed, certainly never locked. I walk to the door at the end of the hall. I knock on the door, just as the note commanded. I count to three and enter.

Sir and Mistress are sitting in the middle of the room, on two plush chairs. There is a single bulb above them lighting them in a circle. Normally, I would be in that circle of light, kneeling on pillows, waiting for Sir or Mistress, or both, to come and play with me. But not tonight. Tonight, I am to come to them.

I walk up to the camera and turn it on. I look down to the laptop on the small table. Everything working correctly, everyone now watching us.

Sir is in his white, custom-made button down shirt, silk black tie, black pants and shiny shoes. His coat draped over the back of his chair. His steel-gray hair is slicked back and he is wearing his simple masquerade mask. He doesn't like his face to be seen on the feed.

Mistress, however, does. She's wearing her leather, knee-high boots. Her legs are crossed. Her black, silk skirt coming over her knees. Startling white blouse and she's wearing her kid gloves tonight. There's a black ribbon choker on her neck, silver cameo glinting in the light. Her blonde hair up in a loose bun. Ruby red lips and blue feline eyes...looking cruel and lovely.

I step into the light and turn for them. Slowly, so they can see me in the clothes they have chosen for me. I keep turning until Sir commands me to look at the camera. I see the red light on, knowing that all of you out there are watching us. Watching me.

Sir snaps his fingers. I slowly undo the robe's belt. I move my shoulders just a bit, and the robe simply glides off my shoulders and into the crooks of my arms. I smile at the camera. Smile at all of you. I let the robe drop to the floor.

I move slowly to my knees, eyes never off the camera. Once on my knees, my hands lay in my lap, waiting. I am very still. Until Sir snaps his fingers again. Now, I turn my back on you. No offense, but now I am for my Sir and Mistress.

I crawl on my hands and knees. Eyes up to Mistress. She looks down on me, smugly. A quirk to her lips, the smile of a beautiful sadist. I come closer to her. She points to the toe of one boot.

I can smell the leather. It's been shined. Clean. I close my eyes and kiss the toe lightly. She moves her foot so the top of the boot caresses my face. I lean into it and close my eyes. She takes it away from me and I pout a little.

I turn to Sir. I crawl to his chair. I kiss his shoe. He puts the foot forward so that the toe glides along my chest. He brings it back and lifts my chin with his shoe.

Sir command, “Come to me.”

I start at his feet. My small hands moving up his shins. Over his knees, my body following. Over his thighs, breasts pressed against them, face almost at his stomach, I briefly look down and I sigh.

I keep moving up. I smell his shirt. I smell him. No cologne, just crisp soap; such a clean smell. I turn as I go up further. I sit lightly Sir's lap.

I look up as Mistress stands. She takes two steps towards us. She's looking down at me. Those cruel lips smiling, lips that I want so badly. I move my bottom in small circles on Sir's lap, leaning forward towards Mistress.

They both suddenly move quickly, without warning. Sir wraps one arm around me, pinning my arms to me, his hand moves to my collared neck, grabs it and squeezes.

My eyes fly open. Breath caught in my throat, and Sir squeezes a little more and it becomes so deliciously hard to breathe.

Mistress grabs my hair and yanks my head back. Her hand cupping my chin, fingers mashing and pushing into my cheeks. She keeps shaking my head. Pulling and pressing into my cheeks.

And I my heart jackhammers. Sir keeps squeezing me, air slowly cutting off. Mistress hurting me, sharp pain and my cheeks in a vice, head being jerked back and forth. Body being squeezed by Sir. They are hurting me, the love to hurt me and I simply adore it and I let them...but I am so scared.

I let out a small whimper.

And then Mistress stops pulling my hair and moving my head. Her hand is light on my cheeks, no longer squeezing my lips. Sir lets up on my neck and he stops squeezing my body, but pulls me against his chest, sliding me backwards on his lap.

Mistress has a needful look on her face; she's looks she is pain. I realize she is about to cry. She lets out a very small sound I don't even know how to describe. She comes to me and kisses me softly on the lips.

I smell jasmine on her. My favorite scent. Our lips touch and press and glide over each other, until I yield and open my small mouth a little. Mistress kisses me deeply. Hand holding my head gently, caressing my hair, my face. I let my eyes close and I start to go into a warn, loving numbness.

As I go down inside, Sir kisses the side of my neck. His strong arms holding me to him. Breath tickling me. Fingers on my neck now massaging me, lightly, simple caresses. His hand moves up and holds one breast, searching and finding my nipple.

And as I relax. As I give up. As I give up everything to them. As I happily let myself down into the pit of sensations. I feel a tear from Mistress hit my cheek.

Sir whispers into my ear, his voice full of need and quiet desperation, “We're lost...we can't find our way back...”

Mistress pulls away and looks into my eyes, her lovely feline eyes glistening, she whispers so softly, “Save us...”

I simply nod and bring them both to me as I tell them that I love them both oh so much..... 

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