
Sunday, January 1, 2017

Mistress Gets Hers (story)

Normally, I'm the one kneeling on the bed, naked, with a collar, chain, arm-binder and ball-gag on. But my Mistress lost the bet and now she's wearing all the gear I normally wear: she pretty mad, too. And that just makes me giggle...

She insisted that she be able to wear some clothing, so I let her wear white, lace panties with a matching bra. Her blue, angry eyes were framed by her beautiful, blonde hair. The red ball gag stretching her red lips...even though when she got angry and tried to order me, I could see her perfect, white teeth.

I held the chain in my hand and pulled her forward to me. She moved awkwardly, trying to keep her balance as she moved to me on her knees. I traced her gag with my finger, then her lips lightly...she leaned forward and tried to to command me with her gagged mouth. So, I slapped her.

She glared at me, but was quiet. I shook my finger at her. I turned and reached over the side of the bed. When I came back up, her look of anger changed to wide-eyed fear as she saw the knife in my hand.

She tired to back away, but I pulled her back with the chain. She was shaking very hard and whimpering. I think she was trying to beg. I caressed her cheek with the point of the knife...and it was hard to tell if she was closing her eyes in fear or if she was getting into it...

I traced the point down her chin. Over her neck. Down her chest. I drew the blade away. Then quickly slipped it under bra and cut it away. She made a gagged, “oh!” sound when I did it, and then I noticed her eyes just starting to soften; I think she was getting into it.

I took the point again and traced the swell of both breasts, taking my time. She slowly squirmed under it, and let out little, gagged “no's” as I lightly pressed the tip onto her hard nipples.

Then I let the blade drag down her belly. I let it stop just under her cute belly button. I pressed the tip, she shuddered. I pressed in just a little more, dimpling the skin and she begged me with her eyes, chest heaving, panting.

And all I did was slip the knife into her panties and cut them away...leaving her naked. I held the knife to her face and waved it back forth and watched her wide eyes follow it...until I threw it over my shoulder.

As she calmed down, she didn't resist when I put the ankle restraints on her. I had moved behind her and locked her in with padlocks. As I was behind her, I decided to switch out the arm-binder and go with steel cuffs. I gently undid the restraint and slowly pulled it off of her. She sighed a little as her arms went to her sides. They had been in the binder for some time. I let her get her arms back into proper order, ready to pounce on her if she decided to turn on me. But she never fact, I think she didn't even think of it.

I gently pulled one wrist back and cuffed it. Then the other. She finally realized that I wasn't done with her yet and she started to pull away, but it was too late. I quickly got her cuffed. She struggled again, and got her anger back; she started yelling into the gag again.

I grabbed her by the waist and turned so she was facing the foot of the bed. At the end, on the dresser, was a mirror, facing us. She kept struggling until I grabbed her hair and made her look into the mirror.

She did a sudden stop of her struggling and looked at herself in the mirror. Her eyes wide in confusion. She never knew what she looked liked as a helpless slut. She blinked once before I shoved her forward. She fell with a squeal and she turned her head from one side to the other, trying to see me to curse me.

I took a small length of rope. I wanted her to watch herself with what I was going to do next. Ever heard of that phrase of “I want to see the look on their faces when they cum”? plan involved that for well as for her.

I took the rope and tied it to the strap of her ball gag. I ran it down her back to her cuffed wrists and tied it off to the cuff chain. But, not before I took up all of the slack.

That made the ball gag go almost into her throat. It was painful, and I wanted it to be painful; for all the times she did it to me. But, it also forced her head upright. She could now see her face in the mirror.

It took me a few moments to put the strap-on harness on me. It had a nice, large, thick, black dildo on it. It was smooth. She grew quiet as I put it on. She watched in the mirror with eyes that were fascinated and horrified.

I made a show of lubing it up. I slowly stroked my big, fake cock. I made soft, satisfied sounds as I worked the head, the shaft, with lube. I licked my lips. Pinched my nipples. Then I straddled her legs and let the heavy cock drop on her.

That's when she begged. She thrashed. She cried for help. She begged me not to. She bucked. She struggled. It was all a show; she lost the bet and agreed to it...and she didn't snap her fingers twice for this part of the scene to stop. So...I laughed and smacked her ass.

I pried open her butt cheeks. She was trembling so hard and trying so hard to be brave, but she was whimpering now. She tried to clench, but I just pried her open again. Her little butthole was nice and clean. It was very pink. It even pulsed a little. And my hear tspeed up a little; I really wanted to...

With one hand, I kept her cheeks apart. With the other, I guided the strap on to her little hole. I placed the tip of the head onto it and she went totally still.

I looked into the mirror and saw her face. Her eyes locked onto mine. She shook her head once. I waited for her to snap her fingers twice. She didn't.

I pushed forward and while I didn't ram her, I was quick and even with entering her. He whole body locked up and when I looked into the mirror with that first thrust, her eyes went very wide, but were unseeing. Her mouth, impossibly, opened wider with gag still in it, she hitched in a breath and let out a scream into the gag.

I started into her slowly. I worked her hard, but tired without pain. I was able to get the whole shaft in and and and out...

She let out these wonderfully deep-throated moans. Her body only moving when I moved with with my thrusting. Each thrust was rewarded with a moan as her eyes became unfocused.

Finally, it was time. To show her who was boss. To fuck her nice and good. I picked up the pace. Her long moans turned into whimpers and grunts, one coming after the other and I was wondering how she was even breathing. Soon, it became just one almost unending moans with periodic breaths taken. Her eyes were totally in the back in her head now. Drool cascading over her chin, pooling on the bed and slipping under her.

As I slipped out of her, her body twitched and didn't stop for a while. Her hands in her cuffs spasmed for bit. I let her calm down, but I realized that she was now destroyed....

So, for the time being, she is sleeping. And I already have my gear out. Even though she lost the bet fair and square, and allowed me to do this to her...I have no reason not to believe that she is going to brutalize me when she gets the chance!!!

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