
Thursday, June 9, 2016

Wanting You to See Me Bound and Gagged (6/9/16 at 3:47am)

It's chilly out on the balcony.

I'm wearing a red blouse, completely open, black lace bra and panties and short, black heels.

On my neck is a leather collar with a single, silver ring. I have my black, padded bit gag in my mouth, pulled as far back as possible. Soon, there will be heavy handcuffs on my wrists, behind my back. The keys are right next to this laptop, sitting on the table just inside of the door.

Once my hands are secured behind me, I will walk on to my tiny balcony, high up in the sky. There's a little bit of wind...I wonder if my blouse will blow off of my shoulders....

Will anyone see me? Will anyone see me slowly turn...see me in handcuffs...see my gagged face...see me look around and beg for someone to come and find me...

Will they be taking my picture? Will they keep me in their memories? Will I be their fantasy victim? Submissive slut? Will they dream of pulling my hair? Caressing my breasts? Forcing me on my knees?

Will you see me? Will you come to my door? Will you find me on my balcony? Will you hook your finger into the ring of my collar or pick me up and gently carry me to my bedroom?

My door is open and I am on the balcony, waiting for you, any of you, to come and save me...


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