
Thursday, February 25, 2016


Sorry, I had meant to post earlier...but I was exhausted and then got sick. :(  But, I did have fun!!!

It took me a long time to get from the kitchen to the bedroom. It was actually a lot of work...squirming around, mmphhing into the gag with each effort, going from one side of the apartment to the other...I haven't done it in I guess I was out of practice.

Well, it took me 25 minutes, give or take.  And I lost a shoe while on my way. In a way, I was hoping that someone would come through the unlocked door, if no other reason than to pick me up and get me into the bedroom more quickly. And getting up off of the floor and flopping onto the bed where my keys were wasn't easy, either...

But I made it...and after a quick adjustment of my handcuffs...I was able to reward myself with an orgasm from the hitachi.  And then I fell asleep for an hour while still bound and gagged. Lots of drool....

So, yes, I had a lot of fun and i hope to do more of these like I used to. I still do self-bondage, but it's always fun to have other people give direction's the subbie in me. ;)

On a side note: I was wondering about something.  As some of you may know, I've had thoughts over the past two-three years about getting paid to write stories. Not that I would give up just writing stuff on the blog, that would never happen.  But every now and again, I wonder if people would pay for a multi-part story; I was thinking like 6 parts or so.

So...would you pay for a multi-part story?  If you much would be acceptable to you? Fifty or ninety cents, a dollar or two per part?  What seems fair? Just curious...I'm thinking about going on Amazon where you can download stories. What do you think? Let me know here or at .  Thanks!!

Oh...and this was written while in pj pants, an over-sized tee, hands cuffed in front of me and ballgagged...and yes the door is unlocked...


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good girl. Yes, I would pay for your stories if they came with pictures. Lots of pictures. Maybe even pay for the video accompanying it. I remember reading a story from that was made into a video by the kind folks at Quality Control.