
Sunday, April 5, 2020

Tales from the ZFX Dimension: The Store, Part Two (story) by Suzyisgagged

(please play while reading)

I woke up slowly. I could hear moans, laughter, whips hitting flesh...and then I remembered the ribbons encasing me and dragging me into a pitch-black portal while I started to pass out from the lack of air...

With a start I sat forward on the bench, looking around me wildly. I was still in the video booth. The memory of hands all over me, molesting me, came to mind and jumped up form the bench. My eyes darted around to the corners in the booth, seeing nothing. I turned to the video screen, expecting Chandra Sweet's face, mocking me, calling me a whore and a bitch.

She said that I was being brought to her dimension. But...the ZFX trailer didn't have me in it. I wasn't the star victim. It was a trailer from one of the first ZFX movies I bought when I started collecting vintage bondage porn. It was “The Plant”.

But I wasn't in the movie. I wasn't wrapped up in vines and being violated. I wasn't bound and gagged and electrocuted. There were no hands coming from the wall or ribbons coming to wrap me up and suffocate me.

It was just a porn, video booth showing ZFX trailers.

Feeling stupid, I walked out of the booth and back down the hall towards the store. As I walked, I felt...different for some reason. Things felt off. I shrugged, and decided to go home and call it day. I walked into the store and past a full length mirror. I stopped, blinked and walked back to the mirror.

What the hell?

I looked at myself in the mirror. It was me...but not me. I wasn't wearing the clothes I had come in with. Instead, I had on a neon-green tube top. A really short jean skirt. And these white, stiletto heeled hooker boots that went up to my knees.

I looked at my face; it was me. But heavily made up. Then I noticed the hoop trashy! But the thing that really surprised me was that my hair had somehow grown and was long again! It went down my back and was dyed black. And very, very much teased.

My mouth dropped open; I looked like a 90's era prostitute.

I slowly turned my head to the right. And standing right there was Chandra Sweet, smirking at me. As I raised my hand to point at her, a hand with a cloth clamped over my mouth and nose.

There was a sweet smell to the cloth. And a very large and strong arm pinned my smaller arms to my body. For a moment, I was too surprised to act. Then I realized what was happening as I did a slow blink, felt a little drowsy; I was being chloroformed!

I struggled, my legs lifted and kicked in the air. I twisted my shoulders and tried to pull my head away from the cloth. But he just held me there. I squirmed and screamed into the cloth...but I was only getting weaker. Worse, as my struggles started getting weaker and sluggish, I could an enormous erection from the man holding me.

As I started to sag in his arms, as my knees started to give it became harder and harder to keep my eyes from rolling back and closing...Chandra stepped up to me.

She smirked at me, mere inches away and right before my eyes closed for the last time, she said to me, “Welcome to the ZFX Dimension, bitch.”

I woke up again. Very groggy from the chloroform. I blinked a couple of times and then tried to rub my eyes. I couldn't.

When I tried to stand and couldn't, I panicked. My eyes shot open and I looked down: I was bound with rope to a chair.

My ankles were tied to a leg each of the chair. That forced my legs to be spread open some. I could feel a chill hitting me inside of my skirt. There was rope tight against my stomach, pushing into me, making a touch hard to breathe. I tested my wrists; they were bound behind the back of the chair. I could lean forward just a little, but that was it.

That was when I noticed the gag. It was a hard bit gag. It pulled hard into the corners of my little mouth, stretching them back. I could still make noise, even talk after a fashion...but I was gagged.

Chandra walked up to me with a stool. She sat down to the right of me, and I looked away. She grabbed my chin and pulled me back to look at her. I blinked, looked at her pretty and sadistic face.


She gave me an evil smile, “You're making me wet, you little slut. I knew we were right to lure you here. You're just another, submissive, horny fuckslut...”

I shook my head no. And begged with my eyes for her to let me go. Her hand pressed against my stomach, just above the rope.

My body stiffened in the chair as her hand slowly went up. Her hand cupped a breast and I moaned a no very, very loudly.

She squeezed, making me whimper and beg, “Shtp...pllsh shtp...nnnmmm...shtp...PLSH!”

Chandra leaned in and hissed into my ear, “You fucking know want know you need know you just looove know you do....”

She slipped her hand under the tube top and started to pinch at my nipple. Then she shifted to my other breast. And for what seemed like forever, she squeezed and tormented my nipples and my breasts with her hands. Telling me how much of a whore I was, how much of a submissive slut I was and that soon, I would be so much sluttier and submissive.

And to my horror, as I moaned and whimpered for her to stop and to let me go, I found my hips trying to undulate on the chair. I could feel how wet I was. And with a burning red face, I turned away and whimpered as Chandra laughed at me.

Finally, she snapped her fingers and a large many walked up to her and handed her a syringe. My eyes went wide and I screamed and really struggled to get free. The man reached down and grabbed my throat with one hand and squeezed and soon I went very still as he choked me. He slowly let go when Chandra ordered him to.

She held up the syringe, “This isn't a drug; it isn't heroin or anything like that. It will, however, start to enhance your submissive side. But it has to be given to you in small doses, over time, for it to work and not to reduce you to a drooling mess. Now stay still.”

She stuck me with the needle and I winced, she continued, “You see, now that we have given you the shot, we have to carefully feed you the serum in various ways. In about a day, you will lose your memory, you will become completely submissive and we will create a new you; a submissive whore into BDSM and horror porn...”

She took the needle and handed it back to her servant, “I guess I should explain your new home to you. You see, the ZFX Dimension stopped evolving socially in the 1990's. And the people in this small dimension, they started creating a new social order of sadists and masochists. All of those ZFX movies you watched in your dimension...well...that's how it works in this one.”

She licked her lips, “The problem became that for women, you fell into one of two categories: dominant or victim. Most of the women here went victim. Which was fine...until the rest of us wore them out. We literally fucked them to death. And now, we have to find new women to become the victims of our society. And that's where sluts like you come in!”

Chandra reached behind me and started to unbuckle the gag, “So, we make these movies and we transmit to other dimensions on certain wavelengths. We aim for submissive sluts like yourself. We lure them in and we grab them...just like we did with you!”

She pulled the gag out of my small mouth, it was so sore, “So, what we have to do now is to make you compliant. Just like all the others. Now, normally, after we do that we release you into the world and we use over and over....we mind-wipe you after each session so you can't remember and when we nab you again, you are fresh. But you...we tested you after we first brought you in...we had no idea you were such a kinky, little bitch!!”

Chandra mauled at my breasts through the tank top as he grabbed my hair from behind, “So, we are going to use you in the movies, you get to be a star!!!”

Her face came in closer, “And when we are done, you will be the perfect, submissive whore for us to use...when you aren't being bound, gagged, tortured and raped in front of a camera by men, women, robots and tentacle will be in suspended animation until the next movie...or until I decide to use you as my personal bondage, fuckslut.”

She forced herself on me. She kissed me deeply. Her tongue deep into my mouth, overpowering mine and soon I wasn't able to breathe. Her hands viciously twisting my nipple, making me moan into her mouth in pain. When she pulled away, there was a small strand of drool between our lips.

She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. She looked at her servant and ordered him to take me to the “Dildo Room”.

She grinned at me, “You're going to just love how you will get your second dose of the serum!!!”

As she walked away, I felt terrified. And then, as my mind was frozen in the horror of what was to happen to me, I realized that the serum was starting to work...there was a small, almost silent voice in my head that appeared...and then the horror became more real as the little voice grew a little louder each time it repeated itself...

I don't want to be untied...ever again...I just be helpless forever....

The large man looked down at me and cocked an eyebrow, “You know you're saying that out loud, right?”

End Part Two

1 comment:

ancientnut said...

MMMPH, sexy Suzy! Go to boundhub and find "Sasha Money fondled and whipped" to see what I want to do to you!!