
Sunday, January 26, 2020

Tales from the ZFX Dimension: The Store, Part One (story) by Suzyisgagged

(please play while you read)

I'm a fan and collector of vintage, bondage movies, especially from the late 80's through the 90's. I have a lot of HOM and Harmony. But one of my all-time favorites has to be the over-the-top, almost campy, movies made by ZFX/Shockwave.

They were always meant to be brutal and hardcore. And they usually pulled off, but you had to have a little bit of suspension of disbelief with the effects. But the models they used were gorgeous and real to me. The movies all had stories ranging from kidnappers to robotic pimps to tentacle monsters to science-gone-awry and included really cruel bondage and gags as well as unique tortures and one of my dark little favorites: asphyxiation. A submissive like me would always enjoy at least a few movies made by ZFX...

So, one night, after I bound and gagged myself and pressed play and watched a ZFX movie while using a vibe on myself, I noticed that there were glitches on the video I hadn't seen before. After cumming a couple of times, I let the video play as I undid my bounds and as I pulled the ball gag out of my little mouth, I saw another glitch happen.

I left the gag around my neck and used the mouse to bring the movie back to the glitch. When I really looked at it, I thought I saw buildings in the glitch. I kept replaying it, slowing it down more and more. And to my amazement...I recognized the buildings! They were here in Baltimore! After some time, I realized that they were about six blocks away, in a small, run-down section of town. Near a few pawn shops.

Curious, I decided to go and visit these buildings the next day.

I walked the six blocks, not too far away. But it was cold out, so I had on my jeans, a white sweater and black jacket. I decided to go in comfort and wear sneakers for the walk.

When I got there, it was just like on the video, the block was kind of run down. Nobody was walking around and the pawnshops were all closed. But there was the one store front with an open sign blinking.

The windows were covered by locked gate. But they had signs advertising adult movies and magazines for sale. I was pretty familiar with Baltimore's adult stores and I was not afraid to go into them...but I did not recall this one at all. I stood at the door for a moment, looking at the blinking sign and decided to go in, out of the cold. I figured I could check out the movies and see if I could find some gear to vintage movies to buy.

It was like any other adult store I've been in. Very plain, a lot of shelves for movies and magazines and gear hanging off of walls or thrown into bins. There was the obligatory counter near the door. And at the back, a doorway with a curtain hanging in it; the entrance to the video booths. It was a little bit dark, only two lights were on. And weirdly, the place was empty.

I walked around the store. Saw the big dildos, the vibes, anal plugs. Then on to the bondage gear of handcuffs, cheap bit and ball gags. Standard stuff. Then I looked at the magazine racks...and then went to the movies shelves. And much to my was nothing but ZFX and Shockwave movies. Nothing else. I think every movie made by them was present. I looked at the collection for a long time, figuring out what I didn't have and wanted to buy that day.

Sounds came from the door in the back. I looked at the curtain hanging in the door and took a moment to listen to the moans coming from within. Obviously, the booth doors were open and the movie trailers were playing. I licked my lips and felt...compelled to go past the curtain.

I walked to the door and and moved the old, red curtain to the side. Typically there was one hallway that went straight back. Just one light bulb lighting it. I walked slowly down the hall, looking into each booth since the doors were all open. But all the booths had screens that were off, totally black. Except for the last booth, where the moaning was coming from.

I peered in and saw the trailer for ZFX's “Guilty” playing. After a moment, I went inside and pulled the door closed, just like you are supposed to. I clicked the latch so no one would come in. Then I reached into my purse to pull out a quarter but...there was no slot. Just a START button. I pressed it.

The screen went white and then the ZFX/Shockwave logo came up and it looked like it was playing all the trailers for movies they had made. I sat down on the little bench, relieved that the think cushion didn't appear to be sticky. I sat down, leaned back and watched the trailers. They were pretty hot and I started to feel a little...turned on. I smiled a little at myself, but my smile slowly slipped away.

My mouth dropped opened as I realized what I was watching. All of the women in the trailers who were the victims of kidnappings...then being whipped, electrocuted, strangled, bound, gagged and violated...all of those damsels...they were me. I was the victim in all of the trailers!!!

Stunned, I just sat there. Trying to figure out what the hell was going on. Then I screamed loudly when hands grabbed my ankles.

I tried to stand up and pull away, but suddenly all of these smooth, white arms and hands came through the walls and pulled me down. Hard hands and arms pinned my legs to the bench. I tried to pry them loose, but then more arms crossed my torso, pinning my arms to my sides. Impossibly strong hands held my wrists to the wall.

I started screaming for help, my head whipping back and forth, trying to see if anyone was around to hear me. Then a hand placed itself over my forehead and pulled me back against the wall. The video was playing the Robopimp trailer and I could see myself in the role Lisa Kincaid played...sucking on a dildo against my will in the trailer just as it happened to her in the movie.

I was firmly held to the bench and wall by these horrible, alien arms and hands. Again, I started screaming for help. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a hand materialize from the wall and slip over my cheeks, over my little mouth and then pressed down roughly; I was hand gagged.

I screamed into the hand and only heard muffled sounds. I struggled but was held fast. I struggled as I saw myself in the trailers. Eyes rolling back as I was hit with a taser, struggling in bondage, drooling over gags, violated over and over by men, women and tentacles....watching the trailer-version of me be the victim over and over and over...the hands making me watch.

Then I felt the hands creep up and cup my breasts over the sweater. I softly pleaded no into the hand gag. Eyes wide. The hands started to be rougher, then finally mauling my breasts, making me squirm in desperation. Not wanting it at all...but horrified that it felt good.

I screamed no over and over into the hand over my mouth, muffled. Eyes wide in fear. A hand had slipped into my jeans, over my panties and was rubbing me. I begged and begged and begged and pleaded and whimpered as the hands made me wet against my will....

And as the hands worked my body, as I was getting turned on, as I was still struggling, making it that much more erotic for myself despite my fear and wanting to flee...the trailers stopped. The screen went white.

Whimpering, chest heaving against the arms and hands...a face slowly appeared. A pretty, but sadistic face. A model who has played the victim before, but also as the villainess. She smirking at me. Her name came to me: Chandra Sweet.

Her face looked me up and down and arched an eyebrow. She gave me an evil smile as he hands got rougher and I let out a moan that was surprisingly based in pleasure and I hated it. Chandra licked her lips and said, “Give it up, bitch. You know you love it. You know want it. You fucking whore.”

I struggled as she continued, “Oh yeah, bitch. You are a whore, you just don't know it yet. But when you come to the other side and we'll show you. Oh yeah, we'll make you the best whore ever.”

She continued, “But you're still in that world and not ours. So, why don't you come on over. Just say yes to the hand and we'll transport you to our dimension in a flash of light!”

I screamed a no into the hand.

Chandra rolled her eyes, “Fine. Have it your way, bitch.”

A panel opened below the screen. Total blackness inside, no light all. But I could hear a hissing sound coming closer and closer. I whimpered and tried to turn away. And then quicker than I could see, black ribbons shot from the panel.

They started at my feet and wrapped themselves around them. The hands started to disappear as the ribbons went up my legs, wrapping so tightly I could barely stand it.

As they worked their way up, they pulled my body my down to the floor slowly, inch by inch, as the hands gave way to the black ribbons. Soon, my torso was encased and I was sitting on the floor. Without a hand over my mouth, I started to beg.

I begged Chandra to let me go. That I would do anything, that I wouldn't tell anyone, give her money, anything. She simply smirked at me.

I moaned over and over to please let me go as the ribbon wrapped itself around my neck. My pleas were cut off as I was gagged by the ribbons. The ribbons covered my whole head and nose but not my eyes.

I couldn't breathed and tried to tell Chandra. She just shrugged in the screen. My lungs started to burn without oxygen. I panicked and tried to break free. All I managed to do was suck ribbon into my nose. My eyes started to roll up and go unfocused. I tried to concentrate but was failing. And I was slowly being pulled to the open panel. To the blackness inside.

As my mummified body was being pulled in, the last thing I saw and heard was Chandra Sweet laughing and laughing and laughing and then I was pulled into the darkness with one last muffled scream of “Please!”

End Part One

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