
Friday, June 28, 2019

It is almost that time again; Suzy Kidnap Opportunity at Otakon!!

Otakon ( )
When – 7/26 to 7/28
Where – Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Washington DC

For those of you who are new to this game, a Suzy Kidnap Opportunity is when you have an actual, real chance to “kidnap” me! You will be given a specific, large-area location in which to find me where I will be during certain times. In this case, a convention center over three days!

To successfully “kidnap” me, you have to find me, give the right code phrase and get the right answer (to make sure you have the right girl). If that happens, you've “kidnapped” me!!!

Now, here's what “kidnapping” actually means. For the rest of Otakon, you become my date. You go with me everywhere I go in the convention and buy me Pocky and soda. Also, depending on when we leave the building that day; you get to take me to dinner (nothing TOO outrageous and in Chinatown) or take me to a bar for a couple of drinks, hang out and the meet up the next day. And if we happen to like each other enough...well, there will be some of my gear back at the hotel room....

And yes...both men and women can play; I'm bi, so I don't care what sex you are, honestly.

You get clues. Mostly, I will tell you in a post right before the convention what I am wearing each day. I will be cos-playing, so 2 out of the 3 days there, I will be in a costume. The other day, I will dress up in something formal. You will get a complete description for each day. However, one thing I ALWAYS wear at Otakon is a small, silver ankh off my left wrist. Some day I will reveal the reason why.

But, every year, I let you all vote for one of my cos-play outfits. Majority vote wins and I reveal the outfits a week before Otakon! You can leave your vote here or at my email: . Ok, here are your choices:

Kastsuragi Misato from Evangelion

Shino Kuribayashi from Gate

Chane Laforet from Baccano

So vote for your favorite (and only these that are listed) and majority vote wins!!

Next time I write about this Suzy Kidnap Opportunity, will be a week before the con!

Oh...and I wrote this with my hands in handcuffs and a red ball gag in my mouth...and I just drooled on my tee shirt....


Sunday, June 16, 2019

The Addiction of Being Ruined (short story)

(another story I wrote for the breathplay site)
(please play as you read)

I blinked a few times, looking up at the ceiling. Took a deep breath, and slowly sat up. My whole body felt heavy as I propped myself on my elbow, taking a little break before sitting upright. Hands on the cement floor, I let my head fall back, closed my eyes, took another deep breath.

I turned my head. To my right lay the ropes that had bound me. It looks like she untied me as I was out. A ball gag that I was wearing. And the bag she used to take my breath away. I could see the lipstick on the bag.

I looked down at my body; it was sweaty and marked. Rope marks on my ankles. I was sure there would be some on my wrists and arms as well. There were crop marks on my breasts, on the inside of my thighs; they still hurt a little. In that dull and good way. There was a faint throbbing inside of me....she took her time on me.

I shivered a little, the floor was cold. Then there was a swell of confused feelings. Enjoyment, chaos, panic, need, desire, fear, lust, helplessness and power. It all hit me at once. I bit my lip and looked down at the floor. A wave of emotion making me so little, so small and needy.

I heard her boots on the floor behind me. I closed my eyes. I only needed a moment to myself to get clear and straight. Just a moment. All of those feelings, the way my body overloaded on the delicious orgasm, just as I was passing out...all of those lovely, destructive and addictive things hitting; I needed a moment.

She knelt down behind me. I closed my eyes and shook my head.

She commanded me to lean back against her and in a small, little voice I said, “Not yet...please...just give me a moment...”

Her hands lightly grasped my upper arms, my voice shook, “No, don't, please don't...”

She started to pull me back to her and I whimpered, “Oh, please, please, don't, please...”

She shushed me and I felt her chest on my back and I moaned, “Oh, god...”

I twisted around and into her. One arm going up behind her back, the other hooking around her neck. Scared, needy and wanting and loving and hurting I buried my face into her neck, she smelled like jasmine and then I broke so hard I felt myself shatter into a million pieces.

Hot tears streamed down my cheeks. No sobbing, just silent crying, letting the tears and release and relief out. She stroked my hair and whispered all the things I needed and wanted to hear.

After some time, I was okay. Exhausted and drained, but good. Feeling safe in her arms. I kissed her neck, where I could feel her pulse on my lips. I lingered there, a long kiss for her. I tilted my head up a little and kissed the lobe of her ear.

Once our lovely moment passed, I whispered a demand, “ it again...”

Saturday, June 1, 2019

The Story (fiction)

(another story I wrote from the Breathplay site, enjoy!

(press play before reading)

The Story (fiction)

As a reporter for an online channel, you sometimes have to do some stories that you don't want to do, just to pay the bills. Normally, my boss sends me out on stories on culture; food, wine, the arts...things I know about and enjoy. The channel I work for also has a segment that they call “The Dark Side”. Very cheesy.

This week, “The Dark Side” reporter was unavailable; she was reporting on a thing where you can get yourself kidnapped and we haven't seen in her like two weeks. So, instead of reviewing a new Thai restaurant, my boss plugged me into a story for “The Dark Side”. It was to be about erotic asphyxiation.

I had done my research. I read up on how one can get high off of cutting off oxygen to the brain. Some people even experience hallucinations. And of course, how it can heighten an orgasm to higher level. My boss wanted me to focus on the safety side of this; and the fact that some people die to get this high or orgasm.

The meeting took place in an industrial park that was quite busy. I had been expecting an abandoned, run-down evil-looking place, was just a shop. There were, of course, equipment you might expect: racks, whips, cuffs....standard, television dungeon equipment. The only difference was a metal structure in the middle of the shop. With a white rope noose dangling down.

I met with the Goddess and her pet slave. She was wearing all latex, a bodysuit actually. Very form fitting; her red hair up in a bun. She looked very severe. Her slave, no name for him, was big and muscled. His pants were a little too tight and I could see pretty much everything, which made me blush. But he wore that creepy, leather hood with a gag. Goddess said he was wearing a penis gag. Poor guy.

We sat in two chairs; the slave was on all fours. We had a good, thirty minute interview on the safety of erotic asphyxiation and how deaths occur. I had enough to edit and make a fifteen minute story for the channel segment. That's when Goddess asked if I would like to try the noose around my neck. She thought it would make for good optics.

Not wanting to be rude, I agreed, and honestly, I thought a sign off with a noose around my neck was just cheesy enough for the segment so why not? We reset the camera in front of the gallows, her word not mine and prepared for the shot.

Since I normally do a culture piece, I had an image to maintain. Dressing up the way the now-missing reporter did would make this whole thing look like a third-rate, soft-core porno, so I dressed more conservatively than I normally do.

A beige suit jacket over a long-sleeved, white blouse. High-neck collar and buttoned up, of course. The skirt I chose went past my knees, halfway down my thighs. You can see just enough to know I was wearing hose, and I was wearing short heels. I wore a white headband. Goddess had poked fun at me, asking if I was from the Christian News Network.

I pressed record and walked to the gallows. I had noticed that there was no stage or deck. Goddess simply said she wasn't comfortable with drops and preferred to pull on the rope to lift her so-called willing submissive up by the neck.

She asked me, just as I was approaching if she could cuff my wrists and ankles. I laughed and said no. She shrugged and said she just wanted to show why she would do something like that for safety reasons on camera. After a moment, I gave her permission; it would look good.

As I stood under the noose, her slave approached me in a crawl and put steel cuffs on my ankles. Then he stood up and gently pulled my hands behind me. All the while, Goddess was explaining safety rules. With a very loud click, my wrists were cuffed behind me.

Goddess placed the noose around my neck. I felt a small stab of fear as she cinched tight around my neck. Her slave went to the rope and put his hands on it. I opened my mouth in protest but Goddess quickly told me that he was going to pull just enough to make my head to tilt to one side and then I could make my closing statement with that visual. I nodded, I was still nervous.

Goddess stood next to me and gave her slave a signal. The rope pulled on my neck and my head did tilt some. I was lifted a little bit up, and the noose did cut off a tiny bit of air, but as Goddess said, he would only go so far and stop. I smiled for the camera.

I took a breath and said, “Thank you for watching, my name is Suzy and this is---HRRRGGGKKKK!”

I was viciously pulled up onto my toes, the noose putting pressure on me My mouth went wide open as did my eyes, looking at Goddess. I was squeaking out demands. But Goddess just laughed.

She slipped a gloved hand into my jacket and started to roughly knead my breasts. I squealed and struggled. I demanded that she stop. Then I begged her to. Then I whimpered. And she hissed into my ear, “Oh, stop it! You know you want it you fucking slut...”

As she was groping me roughly, she bit my ear lobe and whispered, “You ARE going to hang, but don't worry, we won't kill you. In fact, if you don't like it...we'll let you go and you can make this an expose, how does that sound?

I tried to nod, but the noose kept me in place. I would have agreed to anything, just get out of that noose! But she kept whispering into my ear.

“But if you LIKE it...then you have to stay here and be my”

I croaked out a yes. I mean, obviously I wasn't going to like it! I figured that I could suffer through it and they might let me go!

Goddess smiled a vicious smile. She stepped back and made sure she wasn't in the way of the camera. She snapped her fingers and the slave pulled me into the air.

I panicked, The air cut off immediately. I could tell that my eyes were bugging out, My mouth kept opening and closing. My ankles kicked a little but were held by the cuffs. I tried pulling on the cuffs, but all I managed to do was make myself sway around a little.

I barely made any sounds, Just small grunts and pathetic whines. As my lungs started to burn, my body took over and refused to listen to my mind. My body told my legs to lift up and they tried but the skirt held them to a point. But I was still kicking. My arms tried to go up one side of my body, hands brushing my breasts in an effort to get to the noose. Finally, after I started to loose strength, my arms went back.

I felt my left heel slide, dangle on my toes for a moment, then fall to the floor.

Pretty soon, I was ignoring the burning in my lungs. There was a rushing feeling of blood in my face. I could hear the blood rush in my ears; it was all I could hear. I knew my eyes were open, but I wasn't really seeing anything.

My body had gotten fairly still. It periodically jerked. But my hands were spasming like crazy behind my back in the cuffs. My nose felt clogged up for some reason. I think I was making a few “hkkking” noises. Pretty soon, just my middle fingers were moving on their own, making jerking motions.

My tongue had started to slip out between my lips. But it felt fat and was taking up the room in my mouth and cheeks. I think I may have drooled over my chin.

And then it hit me; this wonderful feeling. Such pleasure! Such, over-riding pleasure that wiped everything else away. And as I slipped away into the black, my last thought was....”this is so DELICIOUS...”


Two days later, as I sat in my chair, lashed to it with belts. A strict harness, panel gag on my head. And a zip tie on my neck, so tight it was cutting off a lot of my air, but letting me breathe just enough.

My legs were lashed so they were spread. I was on top of a hitachi vibe, moving my hips, rubbing on it at the high setting. I had my training headphones on, Goddess' voice guiding me. Telling me how to be the perfect, submissive, gasper slut for her, for my Goddess.

She came in and took the headphones off. I looked up at her, and tried to beg through the gag to be choked or hung as I was rubbing myself on the vibe. She shushed me and told me that my boss had gotten my resignation and my last story ever.

I sighed in happiness. I then offered Goddess my neck by lifting my chin up.

She smiled down at me, “That's a good gasper. Now be a good slut for me and move your hips faster over that vibe.”

I moved my hips, felt more pleasure and moaned into my gag. And then Goddess put her hands on my neck and squeezed and squeezed and squeezed.....