
Monday, January 25, 2016

How a Villain's Secretary Gets Fired (story by suzyisgagged)

The last thing I remember was trying to run out of the office, but getting chloroformed instead.

It isn't easy being the secretary of a villain. On one hand, you have to be effective as a secretary and on the other you have to be discreet about things and make an effort not to learn too much about the boss' dealings. Knowing too many things makes a villain’s secretary a liability...and if your boss is a villain, your severance package usually involves an unpleasant death if he thinks you know too much.

So, when he called me in and looked sad, I had a hint that I was in trouble. My boss and I had a good working relationship. I dressed in black, a little slutty, but not over the top. Like today. Black, business dress, black blouse underneath the jacket, skirt just above the knees, dark hose and heels. Underneath, I always wear black boss likes black lace, he says it was a good contrast with the white ropes he would bind me with when he was feeling stressed out...

After asking a couple of questions of me, I realized that I had learned a little too much. He shook his head sadly and told me I was terminated. Which, in my line of business, has a more sinister meaning. I turned and made for the door, but one of his henchmen was already prepared: he let get past before grabbing me, pinning my arms to my side with one beefy appendage and with the other, slapped the sweet-smelling hankie over my mouth and nose. I struggled, but I knew it was over when I started going numb and my vision blurred. I think I whimpered a little when I went black....

When I woke up, I kept my eyes closed. Coming out of a chloroform stupor is never fun. Once you get through the headache, you area little nauseous, which gives way to a few minutes of wonkiness. I was at the part of getting though the wonkiness.

I finally let my eyes slowly open. I was looking up at a blue sky. My head was resting on something hard. I started to lift my hand to rub my eyes but couldn't; they were tied behind me. It felt like rope. I started to pull up my legs but they didn't even move. I looked down and saw that my ankles were also tied with rope. White rope. And then I saw what they were tied to; a metal rail. And that is when I knew my boss decided to go the old fashioned way.

I was tied to train tracks.

I took stock of my situation. Being the secretary of villain requires a certain set of skills: escapology being one of them. I wasn't too bad. Given the right situation, I could get out of most ties. But my boss knew that, so he did the job right.

Not only were my ankles bound together and then bound to the tracks, and my hands tied behind me, but there were also white rope bindings above and below my knees. Also, as I tried moving my wrists and arms around, I discovered that my arms were heavily bound together, and that there were lengths of white rope above and below my chest, pinning my bound arms to my back. And the last restraint was the rope around my neck, binding it to the other rail. I had limited movement. I could turn a little from side to side and that was it.

That's when I yelled for help. You never know if someone is around. Odds are they won't know that I am a villain's secretary, but a damsel in distress. Which, technically, I was, but that term is usually reserved for the cute, beautiful, virgin types. I'm not a virgin...

As I yelled, I realized that I was also gagged. The sound came out muffled. Running my tongue inside my mouth quickly revealed a ballgag. It fit comfortably. The bastard probably used my favorite, chewed up red one. But over top of that was cloth, silk actually. Pulled tight over my mouth, pressing into my cheeks.

I sighed, relaxed, and tired to find any looseness in my bindings. After a minute, I didn't find any. I was starting to get worried. I had no idea when the next train was coming. There wasn't anyone around to untie me and the gag was fairly effective. I pulled and twisted a little, but gave up. I was really tied up tight.

As I laid there, wondering what to do, I heard voices and gravel crunching. They came closer and sounded excited. As they got near, I could understand what they were saying and it was clear it was about me...I was saved!!!

Three bikes pulled up and the three boys sat there, looking at me. I tired to communicate with them, but the gag was in the way and I was hoping they would remove it so I could tell them to rescue me. Instead, the looked at me and one of them pulled out his cell. I thought he was going to call the police, which at this point, was very much fine with me as long as I got untied and off the tracks before a train came.

One of the boys asked the one with the cell, “Is it her?”

Yeah, it is her!!! Cool!”

He showed his cell to his friends and they got really excited with it. Somehow, they recognized me. I'm not sure how, secrecy is the prime weapon and defense a villain has and it goes to those who work for him. I gave the one with the cell a puzzled look.

He held up a hand, “We're big fans of yours!! Hope you don't mind, but we're going to get some selfies with you and then we'll leave before the photographer comes back, so we won't be in the way!”

He took pictures on his cell of his friends and I. They would lay down next to me, pose and the other kid would take a few pictures. Finally, when the last kid gave his cell to one of his friends, he lay down, kissed my gagged cheek and squeezed my breast as his friend snapped away.

I squealed and tried to move to so I could somehow kick or punch him, but, it was a useless gesture. He apologized and told me how big fans they were of mine. To prove it, he got his cell back, tapped on it, brought up a website and showed it to me.

My boss had been selling pictures and videos of his stress-relief bondage sessions with me as the star. Fucking asshole....

Enough was enough and I tried to tell the kids who somehow had access to bondage porn to get me untied. But they just got on their bikes, thanked me for the selfies and rode away. I screamed after them, and they just waved.

I started to pant. I was getting really scared. I was alone again, expertly bound and gagged and I had no idea when the train would come. I took me a moment to realize that the rails were thrumming a little. My eyes grew wide in fear: the train was coming.

I struggled against the ropes. I twisted my shoulders around, tried pulling on my legs, I strained and tugged hard. I was screaming for help into my gag the whole time. My heart started to race, I tuned my head a little and saw the glint of moving metal coming towards me; I had a few minutes of life left.

I moaned “no” over and over into my gag as my struggles were just panicked jerks against the ropes. My eyes wouldn't leave that glint of metal that kept getting a little bit bigger. I struggled to get up but only managed to choke myself a little. That's when I went into all panic mode and was just screaming and struggling.

And then there was a shadow over me. A beautiful woman stood over me, smiling at me. Dressed in black leather, blonde hair pile don her head, blue, feline eyes looking down at me. Behind her was two men.

You seem to be in trouble.”

I nodded quickly.

I was at your old boss' place. I was hoping to see you there. I really love the stuff he posted online of you. You look good in white ropes, but I think red is a better color for you.”

I closed my eyes. Took a deep breath. And screamed at her to get me untied.

Yeah, I would, but I should tell you a couple of things first. Number one; your boss is no longer in charge. I am.”

What she meant was that she had him killed. Given that he had sold pictures and video of me bound and gagged and made money off of it and that he decided to tie me to train tracks to get mangled by train...not mourning his passing was ok. I mmmphed to the villainess standing above me and made urgent, struggling movements because the train was coming closer now.

Yes, yes, I know. The train is coming. But I just have one last thing to say, a question really. I need a new secretary. I've always liked your work, including the sexy bondage stuff. That will be part of your duties if you work for me. There's some other things you will need to do for me as well. You would be a slave as well as a secretary...we can over the details later. Now, just nod if you would like to work with me.”

We both looked to the right as the train whistle sounded. The train was VERY close.

She looked back down at me, “Of course, if you don't, I would understand, but then I would have to leave you here. So...what will it be?”

The train was less than a hundred yards away. I screamed and nodded my head as quickly and as often as I could.

She made a gesture at me, “Boys, if you will...”

They bent down, blades flicking out and cut the rope at my neck and ankle that were binding me to the rails. Otherwise I was still bound and gagged. The villainess reached down, grabbed me and hefted me over her shoulder and walked off the tracks just as the train whipped by.

I was surprised that she was carrying me. I'm a small and light person, so that wasn't the surprise that she could lift me, it was just that she wanted to lift me up instead of one of her henchmen. As we made our way to a parking lot that had a limo parked in it, she reached up and smacked my bottom.

I made a gagged, cooing sound and let my eyes go half-mast. As she carried me to the limo, I decided that I liked my new boss.....hopefully she won't post everything online...

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

A link to a new Grabbed & Gagged video and a short, breathplay scene....

Ok, since you can only upload 100MB to a blogger account, sometimes I have to post a Grabbed & Gagged video over at Motherless.Com.  This new one is somewhat self-indulgent; it's a retorspective of me from 2015. So, you've probably seen this already, but if you would still like to check it out...please click this link: .

As many of you know, I don't really do much in the way of breathplay anymore due to my heart problems a couple of years ago. But with time, come physical strength and the ability to have fun again...  I still can't do it nearly as often as I would like to, it really is just every now and again type of thing for me now and I really have to prepare for it. But here is a clip from a scene I did last year that I decided to post.  Enjoy!!