
Monday, August 31, 2015


So, as many of you from Fetlife know...I'm not really there anymore.  So, this is the first, post-Fetlife post for pictures and videos!!!  Yay!!!  Note:  you will NOT see these over at Fetlife!!!

Got a little smile going...guess what's coming next!!

I'm gagged!!

A gagged mouth is a happy mouth and my mouth is happy!

Of course, have to be bratty before the gag went in...

Pushed onto the bed!!!

The start of my struggling...mmmpphh!

The problem with being a brat and struggling is that I get the hood sometimes...

Hey, where'd you go!?!?

And no new picture post is complete without a video of me!!!

1 comment:

TheIcon said...

Exhilarating! Look forward to more