
Monday, February 23, 2015

A Side Business (story)

I just stood in your bedroom, head bowed, my hands behind me, crossed a the wrists. I waited for you to set up the camera, shivered a little at the draft. It's cold in here when winter comes.

I heard you snap your fingers and I slowly looked up. First, I saw you sitting in the plush chair behind the camera, chin in hand, looking bored. As I raised my chin, I noticed that the little red light on top of the camera was on; you were already recording, a feed to your laptop, also recording.

You sighed and made a motion with your chin. When we do this type of video, you don't like to be in it. You only want me to be shown. I am to be the subject, the only thing of importance for these types of videos. When you nodded with your chin, that was my cue.

I looked into the camera and said nothing. the only sound was the heat coming through the vents, almost a soft purring sound. After a moment, I started to slowly turn around, hands still behind my back, wrists crossed.

As I turned, I gave a full view of what I was wearing. A long-sleeved, white satin blouse, buttoned all the way up, a black cameo on my neck. My skirt was simply black and came just above my knees. My legs themselves were bare, but I was wearing black heels.

After I came full circle, I stopped and gazed into the camera again. My hair was slicked back, normally brown, but when like this, almost black. I was wearing make up, which made my lips redder and fuller, my brown eyes bigger. I brought my hands to my sides and waited for the next cue.

You snapped your fingers, the only sound you would permit from yourself to be on camera. While looking into the camera, I reached behind me and unzipped the skirt. I brought them back and up to my waist, slowly moving my hips while pushing down on the skirt until gravity took over and it slid down my legs to the floor. I stepped out of the skirt and took one step forward.

My hands floated up as I still stared into the lens. They started at my collar and slowly unbuttoned it. I licked my lips as I went to the next one. I found myself swaying a little, as if to music while my hands worked their way down the blouse. I took my time.

I hesitated as the blouse fluttered. I looked down, embarrassed. When I looked back up, at you sitting behind the camera, I shrugged my shoulders and the satin blouse slipped of my shoulders, made a rustling sound as it slipped down my arms and onto the floor.

I was wearing my white lace today. White, lace panties. But I know you weren't looking at my lace, but at the red rope wrapped over my torso. A simple karada tie over my body.

The rope cut into my skin. Whenever I moved, it moved. It restricted my chest. It dug up into my crotch, a small, uncomfortable knot pressing against the lace, pressing into me. Sitting, standing, walking, always there, never letting me forget..making me sigh, tiring me, making me made me wear it all day...

My hands went to my back. I closed my eyes to concentrate. You made the release knot a little bit higher than normal. I had to lean forward as my hands went up, fingertips finally clasping on the right end.

I pulled the rope with a single, strong tug. I could feel the knot simply melt away and for just a moment, the rope was still tight on me. Suddenly there was release, the tightness gone in a moment. the ropes almost springing from my body, they just fell off of me. My eyes still closed, my hand shot up and covered my mouth as I let out a small sound, as my other hand went to my stomach.

Oh, this feels SO delicious....

I composed myself and worked the rope off of me. I still had to pull a little on the crotch rope and I let out a very small whimper as the knot popped out. I hadn't realized how far it worked itself in.

Almost naked, I stood for a moment, savoring the new freedom from the soft, red, rope I had worn all day. I gave the camera a little smile. A knowing look.

My fingers slid down my sides, into my panties. My fingers hooked into the lace, I pushed the panties down my legs very, very, slowly. Once I was to my ankles, I stood back up and with one motion, kicked the panties a little bit forward..

I sunk to my knees. Eyes never leaving the camera. I placed my hands behind me again. Wrists crossed, just like before. I bent forward, eyes looking up, knowing that you are watching me, knowing that whoever will be watching this will be watching me.

I used my small, pink tongue to flick at my panties on the floor. Languidly, sighs coming out of me. Until finally my teeth could find purchase. I sat back up. Rested on my heels, completely naked, except for my black stilettos. My face serene and compliant, eyes in that soft un-focus of subspace. The white, lace panties that I had worn all day, hanging from my mouth...

You went to the laptop and typed something in and then pulled out a memory stick. Another tap and the red light on the camera went out. You placed the stick into a large envelope while you walked to me.

You knelt in front of me and held out your hand. I leaned forward and dropped the panties into your hand. You held it for a moment, held it to your nose and lips. You finally smiled as you placed it into the envelope with the memory stick. You placed it on the floor between us. The address was a town somewhere in California. A movie and my panties for a nice sum of money. Our nice, little side business...

You reach out and caress my face. I press my cheek into your palm, closing my eyes for a moment. As I open them, I turn my face a little and place a small kiss into your hand. Your thumb glides over my cheek, a hungry look starts to come over you.

I like that look. It means that I've done well and that I should be rewarded. We both know how this goes. I lick my lips and tell you what I want. What you want to hear.

I whisper, "Make me do it...oh, please...please...make me scream..."

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