
Monday, September 23, 2019

Lace and Wanting (story)

In case you are wondering, I had Unisexi in mind. 

Please listen as you read:

My keys to the gray apartment slid in. Tired from work I walked in. It had been a long night, and it was already 2am by the time I got there. But I got the text from Mistress. When either Sir or Mistress summons me, I have no choice.

I walked into the familiar foyer. Soft light on. I walked in a few steps, looked to the left; the living room was dark. The hall way to the right was dimly lit, neon lights coming in from the city. I saw the red light from one sign blink. I listened to the traffic outside and floors below.

I made my way to my room. All the rooms on the apartment were along one side, the left. There were other rooms along the way; for Sir and Mistress, mine, two others I had never been in and, of course, the last, large room where I served. The room with the camera and the single light.

I walked down, aware of my dirty uniform, the smell of garlic from working the line tonight. I was looking forward to the shower; I needed it.

I stopped at the room before mine; it was open a crack. There was light coming from it. My hand hovered over the knob, wanting to go in, but my training took over. I was never to go anywhere but where I was directed to. My curiosity wanted to know what was in that room. I even stood there, listening. Nothing.

I went to my door, pulled out my key for it and entered. The light was already on. As always, there were the clothes they wanted me to wear on the bed. And the little card with my instructions before entering the last room. I read my instructions, stripped and got the shower in the private bath all nice and hot.

Once clean and dried off, I went back into the bedroom and sat at the mirror. It wasn't often that I was told to wear make-up, but tonight I would. Mistress thoughtfully set everything out for me. I dried my hair and while in my robe, applied the make up.

Heavy eyes for me tonight. Long lashes. Very red lipstick. I looked at myself in the mirror. I don't usually wear make up; I don't have time and my job makes it a moot point. Sometimes, I wonder if this is how Sir and Mistress see me when I am not here. It makes me feel special, for some reason.

I went to the bed. I lightly touched the items and smiled; I can sometimes tell how a session will go by the clothes they want me to wear. Tonight was to be sexy. There would be touching and kissing involved.

It was almost all black lace. I pulled up the panties, very small and thin and I was glad that I keep myself shaved. I put on everything slowly, loving the feel of it, how easily it all slid over my skin. I enjoyed pulling up the hose, so smooth and silky, attaching them to the garter belt. Then I put on the elbow-length, black kid gloves.

And lastly, the black heels. They were not ridiculously high, but enough to definitely make me taller. And ankle clasps as well. I looked myself over in the mirror. Looked at my cell, saw that I still had a few minutes before Sir or Mistress, or both showed up. I left everything behind in the bedroom; the rules.

I enjoyed hearing the heels on the wood floor of the hall. Sharp sounds. The note said I did not have to crawl tonight. And that there would be another note once in the session room. But I walked past that room and stood in front of the hall window.

Looking at Baltimore from a few floors up. The lights, the handful of cars driving up the street. Almost no one out at this time of night. It was quiet, but the lights outside were chaotic. I liked it. I turned to open the door to where I would serve as I always do

A small envelope was taped to the door. I took out the note that I was supposed to read. I did a hard blink. This...has never happened before.

I opened the door and the room was almost pitch black except for the red light of the camera; it was on. Normally, I would come in, see the chair that Sir would sit in. next to the camera that was connected to the laptop to stream for anyone who wanted to watch. There was only one light hanging from the ceiling of the large room, creating a circle of light. Everything happened inside that circle. Sometimes a chair to sit in, almost always a pile of pillows.

But it was dark inside and for the very first time, I flipped the light switch. The single light came on. There was Sir's chair, the laptop, the camera, the pile of pillows in the circle of light and...her.

She was on her knees. Eyes closed. Dressed just like me. Very short, dark hair. And when she opened her eyes, they were so enticingly dark. A red ball gag in her mouth, a collar and chain on her lovely neck. Her hands were cuffed in front of her and places in her lap.

I walked to the camera and placed the note in Sir's chair. As per the note, there was a silver tray in front of pillows and she was in charge of the items on it. I made my way over and stood above her among the pillows.

She looked up at me and I nodded. With her cuffed hands, she took the the heavy leather ankle cuffs and put them on me. As she encircled my other ankle, I couldn't help myself. I ran my fingers through her soft, black hair. She snapped the padlock closed, the chain between cuffs only two inches apart.

She looked up as my fingers played with her hair. My hand slipped down, palm caressing the cheek of her gagged face. She sighed and leaned into my hand, closed her eyes for a moment. Then she looked at me. I had to kneel now.

Once on my knees, she leaned forward to the tray and picked up the collar. I raised my chin and slipped it on. It was wide, heavy with just one ring on it. As she clasped it behind my neck, I could smell a hint of lavender from her. It was so hard, so hard not to touch her...and it was too hard, really. She padlocked the collar.

She leaned back, there was a moment of looking at each other. An easy moment of wanting her. Then she clipped the chain to the ring, a small tug on it to test, and then it became too hard for me.

I reached up and placed a hand on the back of her neck, pulled her in. I closed my eyes and kissed the gag in her mouth. Slowly opened my eyes, still holding her neck and kissed her chin. I felt her cuffed hands on my legs...

I pulled back. Smiling around her gag, she went back to the tray. With both hands, she offered the white ball gag to me. I leaned forward, eyes locked on hers, kissed the ball of the gag as she held it. 

I took it from her and slipped the ball into my little mouth. Past my red lips. Past my teeth. Sighing loudly, loving the feel of my mouth being filled. I pulled the straps behind my head, hard and cruel, making myself gasp and my eyes roll back...the way I like it, the way I liked to be treated.

She was watching me, her breathing getting faster. Eyes a little wider. I did a slow blink, coming back to myself, looking at her, telling her with my eyes that if she wanted to...then yes...and I offered my wrists to her.

She locked the heavy cuffs on. The fur on the inside comfortable to my wrists. The padlocks snicked into place. A certain finality to it.

We looked at each other as we placed out hands on our knees as we knelt there, the leash danging into our laps, cold and refreshing. I sincerely hoped that we would be allowed to play with each other....

In the meantime, we knelt, with our heads bowed, waiting.....

Sunday, September 8, 2019

I had a story I was going to write, but....

I'm very tired and ready to pass out.

There are times when I really want to write a story, but there's no energy there for it. Tonight was one of those nights.

I went in later than normal; filling in for someone. Work for me is being a line cook in a Baltimore restaurant. I wouldn't call it four-star fine dining, but a busy finer-dining place. We're a busy place and push out a lot of plates over an evening. Then there's the cleaning afterwards, a little bit of prep for the next day, etc.

So, by the time I get into the apartment, it's usually after 1am. I'm tired, but can't sleep. I also have to peel off my uniform (for you uniform pervs, it's tan pants, sneakers, black polo and black cap with the logo on it). I always smell like garlic.

I have to shower, get clean. Then sometimes I make dinner. So, as you might imagine, I have late nights. Which means that sometimes I do the self-bondage thing, or do that and play with myself, or do some creative stuff like music video editing and writing.

I knew at work that I would be too physically tired tonight, so I was hoping to do some creative stuff. Nope. Brain won't work.

I even had an idea for the story! I would show up at a friend's place, see a machine with a button. I would be warned not to touch the button and I would, of course press it. Next thing I know I'm in a warehouse and I turn to see myself in the mirror. It's me...but with big hair and and early 90's clothes on. Then I would turn to see all the bondage stuff and realize that I had entered the ZFX/Shockwave dimension...and then get chloroformed.

So, there's the premise. Perhaps in a few days it will actually turn into a story, who knows?

Right now, I'm nodding off. Finally. But I am distracted by visions of certain Fetlifers; Ginary spanking me, making out with Unisexi, having Njkidnapper do my bidding, being a slave to Mistress Jean Bardot and from pop culture...Brie Larson pulling my hair and calling me a slut while in her Captain Marvel uniform...

So, I'm going to go to bed. The door will be unlocked. Honestly, I just want to kiss tonight, so be prepared for that...because I think that is the only thing I am capable of doing right now.

How I want my gentleman demons to kiss me:

For my vicious vixens to kiss me:

And for the ladies I want to make out with:

So, good night...kisses!!