
Sunday, July 10, 2016

Due for an Alley Walk

I believe I am due for an alley walk...

It will be this Tuesday evening, sometime after 7pm. Somewhere near where I live, but at least five blocks away, possibly further. I will find an alley, handcuff my hands behind me and wear a gag. Then I will walk the alley, form end and back. If there is a place for me to sit, cuffed and gagged, then I will for a few minutes. Obviously, if you find me, then you get to “kidnap” that I mean we meet at a bar you get to buy me a drink...

I will be wearing a black skirt, just above the knees. A white blouse with short sleeves. A black choker with an ankh on it. I will be wearing black boots that come up the calves. Underneath will be white lace bra and panties.

I will also have a black, bob wig and wearing sunglasses. Red lipstick, of course. Carrying a purse large enough for my gag and cuffs. When my hands are cuffed behind me, I will be carrying my purse. The cuffs are metal and are of the quick release, but the keys will also be in the purse.

You guys get to choose the gag. You have to choose by 11:59pm on Monday evening, the 11th. Or I get to choose...ok, here are the choices:

Black ball gag, large.

Well-chewed up red ball gag.

Soft, black leather bit gag.

Majority vote wins!! And you can only choose from those three, no adding any of your own! So either respond here or email me at .

Writing this while in my Inyuyasha tee and black panties. Hands are cuffed in front with soft cuffs and I have my plug gag in my mouth. I am drooling over my chin and into my lap. As soon as I post this, I will go to bed with my hitachi at top speed...and yes...the door is unlocked...


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