
Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Not kidnapped.....

Didn't get kidnapped...sniff...

Well, to be honest, it would've been hard to get me at Animore as it turns out. It's a much smaller convention than Otakon. Which means that once I did the things I set out to do...there wasn't much to do afterward.

Since the area was so small, there were only so many things to do and places to go. So, I wound up leaving the convention earlier than I thought I would each day. At Otakon, I am normally in the con the whole time except when sleeping or eating. Not so much at Animore. Had a fun time, but, I didn't get kidnapped...

Or gagged...

So sad...guess I'll to struggle on my own in my apartment, with the door unlocked....

Monday, January 15, 2018

Kidnap Suzy Opportunity on January 19 -21, 2018 at Animore!

From January 19th to the 21st I will be at Animore, which has been moved to the Renaissance Baltimore Harborplace Hotel. I will either be in this hotel in the convention, or in the immediate environs (basically the Inner Harbor). And this will be one of two prime Kidnap Suzy Opportunities this year!

If you haven't seen me do this before, it's really simple. I will be in a area of town where there will be NO guesswork as where it is. And you will you know WHEN I will be there! Normally, I leave scant clues about where I will be and at what time. And by kidnapping me, I mean that you get to take me out to eat and stuff...

But there are rules, mainly to protect all of us.

First, the code phrase. If you think you have found me, you *MUST* say the following *EXACTLY* : “Do you think Garma Zabi is more sympathetic in Gundam Origins than in the original series?”

The code phrase that should be said to you in reply *MUST* be this *EXACTLY* : “No, I think he had a thing for Char, Garma would've been a great villain if he had a Death Star.”

If you do NOT hear that said back to you, then *IT IS NOT ME!!!* I set up a code phrase each time to make sure that both you don't go after the wrong girl and that I know that I am caught. It is *IMPORTANT* that this rule is followed!!!!

So, what happens if you find me? Well, once the code phrases are delivered and acknowledged, I let you know that you have “kidnapped” me! If I am on my way to a panel, or event, then you will come with me. After that, or if I don't have an immediate event planned, you get to take me to bar and buy me a drink and chat. Oh, and you have to buy me Pocky at some point, too. If we hit it off, then we sick together for the rest of the con. BTW, Blue will be in attendance and he knows what my schedule will be, and I will be informing him of my whereabouts...gotta be careful, some of you get a little frisky....

So, how do you find me? Well, this is where I will let you know what I look like during the course of the convention. Because cos-play is a big deal in any con, there are bound to be more than one person doing the same character. So, that's another reason for the code phrases. Also, no matter what I will be as...there will ALWAYS be a silver ankh hanging from my left wrist! Here is what I will be cos-playing each day -

*Friday* – Fuu (reader's choice) during the day! That is, up until 4pm. To give you an idea of what I will look like:

Around 6pm, I reappear in a formal get up. A black, high-collared ao dai, with sleeves, black with a gold designs. Black heels, small purse. Hair slicked back with a jade, dragonfly clip.

*Saturday* - Major Kusanagi, from Ghost in the Shell, in her dress uniform. Here's an idea of what it looks like:

*Sunday* - Very simple and easy. Almost everything will be black. Black jeans into black, knee-high boots. Black blouse, no sleeves, black leather gloves snapped of at wrists. Large, collar on my neck with a silver bell on the ring. Short, black, bob wig with cat ears. Wearing mirror shade sunglasses and my lips will be *very* red. And if you make me might see small fangs...

And remember, no matter what I am wearing, there will *always* be a silver ankh off the left wrist.

There you go! The rules and what I will be wearing! To date, no one has ever caught me! A couple have come close, but not quite!

Good luck!!!!

P.S. Wrote this in a tee and panties, handcuffed with a red-ball gag in my little mouth, bee drooling for awhile now. Going to play an old ZFX video, mebbe Beyond Driven 3, and grab my hitachi...