
Wednesday, December 7, 2016

The Start to a TPE Weekend (story)

I whimpered as the last strap was pulled tightly over my ankles. I was sitting in the back of the van, on a blanket, while two men in latex hoods were checking the rest of the straps.

My kidnapping was pretty simple. I was taking a shortcut in an alley, taking no notice of the one car that went by me, so why would I have noticed the van? It slowed down next to me, and just as I turned my head, the side door opened and arms reached out, grabbed me and pulled me in. I was so shocked and surprised that half the straps were on me before I even thought about fighting back.

Shortly thereafter, we parked and got another passenger. A woman wearing a leather jacket zipped up, jeans and combat boots came on. She sat down in front of me and smiled at me with perfect teeth. Her hair was black and bobbed. I couldn't stop staring at her eyes; ice blue.

She did an inspection of my bonds. A strap on my ankles, over and under my knees, over and under my chest (pinning my arms behind me) and straps wrapped around my wrists. She tugged on them.

She patted my thigh, “Sorry for the tightness, but I don't want you getting away.”

She smiled as she ran a hand up my thigh, a finger flicking at the button of my jeans. I drew up my legs, shaking my head whispering, “No, not that, please..”

My captor leaned into my face, “You don't get to say 'no'. Not anymore.”

She quickly undid the button, pressed down on my knees to straighten my legs, and pulled down the zipper. I barely tried to fight her; I closed my eyes and bit my lip.

She yanked down my pants to my thighs and laughed, “Hello Kitty panties!?!””

My face burned red.

She say back down and was still smiling, “Fine, I won't rip them off...they look cute on you. I'll save them for later.”

She twirled a finger on my boots. Cream colored and went up my thigh. She leaned forward and unbuttoned my flannel shirt halfway down. She gently pulled on the shirt so they were exposing my breasts, but still held under the straps.

Her face close to mine, she hissed, “You know I own you now...right?”

I shook my head and looked away and gasped when she grabbed my chin roughly and made me face her, “ will *learn*...yes, yes you will...”

She let me go and sat back. She stared at me, the smile was gone. All I could see was cruelty and desire. My heart started to pound, because there was nothing I could do....

She looked to her two men, nodded at one, “He seems to like you. Turn your head. Now.”

I turned and looked. His pants was barely constraining his hard on. I gulped. It looked, even from inside his pants, huge. I looked back at her as she spoke.

They're mine. They'll do whatever I say or want. You obey me, you please me...he won't have you. Unless, of course, you want him to have you...”

I licked my lips, “Please, if you-”

Shut up. Now.”

She sighed and rolled her eyes and then nodded to him again, “Gag her.”

A wide, white cloth was pulled into my mouth. He pulled it as far back as he could. I couldn't even close my mouth. Then when he knotted it, the pull in the corners of my mouth was almost unbearable. He then pulled out an Ace bandage and started to gag me again.

With each wrap around my head, the bandage and the gag got tighter and tighter. It pulled back into my little mouth cruelly. I tried to close my mouth, but the pressure in the back was such that there was no way that was going to happen.

I whimpered when he brought out the duct tape. I heard the ripping sound and I moaned. He simply wrapped over the two other gags. The gag was beginning to hurt a little. When he finally stopped, I could feel the pressure on my face...even on my eyes.

She looked at me, pointed at my face with one hand and tossed a roll of black electricians' tape with the other to her man, “Clean it up.”

I begged and shook my head. I begged and begged and begged, even with my eyes I begged. But all that would come out of my mouth was “ah..ahhhh...ahh...ahhh...”

She gave me a wicked grin, “Sorry, I can't understand you...”

The thin, black tape wound around my head. Into my gagged mouth, over my cheeks, back behind my head...over and over. Finally, he was done. And I found myself moaning uncontrollably.

She scooted next to me and put an around me, “There, there....the gag will only be on there for the ride back to my place, about forty-five minutes. Oh, look at're already drooling...”

She was right. I could feel the thin line of warm drool drop from my upper lip. It was followed by a somewhat thicker strand from my lower lip and over my chin.

She slowly laid me me back as the van started moving. She had my head cradled on one arm. She ran her other hand from my neck, slowly over the swell of one breast, and over my stomach. I looked at her wide-eyed, knowing....

She whispered, “Just obey me, do what I say...and I will make you feel SO good...”

Her hand went underneath the band of my panties. Fingertips floating where I shaved that day, seeing her smile as she realized that, finally, a finger tip caressing a lip...and she looked surprised and her features softened.

Looking down at me, a beautiful smile, “Oh're so wet...”

Her finger slipped into me and I moaned. She moved it slowly inside of me, thrusting and circular movements. Soon, I was squeezing her hand between my thighs, writhing a little, my eyes going unfocused, repeating the only sound I could make, “ah...ah...ah...”

She nuzzled my neck and kissed my cheek, “We're going to have SO much FUN...”

Monday, December 5, 2016

Found another, old video from the hard drive of me....

So, I'm pretty sure I never posted this little video. If I have, my apologies and I will spank myself with a wooden spoon...

This very short clip is me in a black-cloth-hood, Blue is taking the video and decides to hand smother me. BTW, I am already cleave-gagged under the hood.  Enjoy!