
Saturday, August 25, 2007

A little story....

I hope you like it! Here goes:

I guess he liked the way I looked….

I was at a party, dressed in my little gothli outfit. One minute we were talking inside about the new anime on TV and the appreciation of things goth-related. Normally, I don’t dress this way since it isn’t a lifestyle choice, unlike some of my friends, but at these kinds of parties it’s mandatory dress…which I don’t mind at all, it’s fun!

Anyway, he opened the door and asked if we could talk about things outside and enjoy the cool night. We walked down the driveway very slowly, me mostly listening to him, I found him facisinating. And of course it was a nice night, mist coming off of the inward bay, the moon very full. We stopped at a van and continued to talk.

At one point he raised his finger, “I need to get something real quick.” I shrugged.

He leaned inside the van and I could see him rummaging around. I tried to peek but he waggled a finger and smiled. I liked that smile, it was full of mirth with a hint of cleverness. I was thinking about giving him my number.

He guestured to the open door, “Get in.” Another smile.

I crossed my arms and gave him an arched eyebrow in a joking manner, “I’m not that kind of girl.”

Another smile and nice chuckle, “Of course you aren’t… Seriously, want to go for a ride?”

It was tempting, but I decided not to, “Another time. Let’s go back to the party…or we can keep walking.”

He shrugged and with a smile, “Get in the van.”

I just looked at him.

A sly smile from him, “Now, would be nice…”

I backed away, thinking he was just another jerk. I turned and gave him a wave over my shoulder, “Put that way, I can’t think of a reason why I woul-“

Suddenly my hand was cuffed. I just stared at the cuff on my hand, silver in the moon light. He pulled that arm down as he grabbed my other arm and cuffed the other wrist. As he let go I whirled around to give a piece of my mind and then I realized how tall he was. I wasn’t going to get away…

He smiled, “I don’t think you have a choice anymore…get in.”

I hitched in a breath to scream for help. His large hand quickly covered my mouth. All I got out was a squeak. He raised a finger to lips in a hushing gesture and winked.

“I have no desire to hurt you. I really, really don’t want to. As long as you cooperate, then nothing bad will happen to you. Understand?”

I nodded and he slowly pulled his hand away. He put his other hand on my back and gently pushed me to the open door. He helped me into the seatbelt and buckled me in. My heart was racing and I was terrified. I couldn’t speak. He must’ve noticed because he patted my knee and smiled.

He got in on his side and started the van, “Thank you for cooperating.I really didn’t want to have to muss you up with my gear.”

I looked back and from what I saw was a lot of rope. I slowly looked back at him and tired to speak but no words came out. I shied away from him, as if I could just go through the door.
He reached into the compartment between us and pulled out a bottle of water. He uncapped it and offered it to me. I found that I was thirsty and I nodded. He held it to my lips and let me sip from it a number of times.

“That’s my girl.” He started the van and we were off. I wondered where we were going.

He patted my knee, “How are you feeling?”

“Scared shitless and really pissed off at you.”

He frowned, “You should watch that mouth.”

“Go to hell.”

He just laughed.

“Where are you taking me, asshole.”

He just looked straight ahead, “Now Suzy, you know that isn’t my name.”

“You’re right, it isn’t asshole, it’s dickhead…are you going to tell me where you are talking me?”

He sighed, “I’ll get you to say my name soon enough. Now about where are going. I can’t tell you.”

I felt a little dizzy, “Oh, so I get the blindfold now? Isn’t that a little bit obvious to any trooper who passes us on my side?”

He laughed, “That’s why I drugged the water. Good night, Suzy…”

Suddenly I was very drowsy. I fought to keep my eyes open, but no luck. I was under in a matter of seconds.


So, here I am. I am in a cellar, very dimly lit. There is a wall of wine bottles on the far side. It’s pretty cool, but not freezing. I’ve been listening to Vivaldi…at least that’s what he told me. Immediately in front of me, on white silk, is bottle of wine (special he tells me, it’s Italian and purple), a cup of chocolate and a water bottle in a silver bucket of ice.

I’ve been sitting here, with my legs out to the side, knees and ankles tied with rope. Tight, but not uncomfortable. My hands are set in manacles. Each one has a black chain leading up to a hook higher up on the wall. My elbows are dangling around my head. Every move I make the chains clink. Earlier I had been pulling and tugging at them. He just laughed and watched me.

I would have called him names but he cleave-gagged me and then put a black, silk scarf over that and tied it off tightly. Effectively gagged. I tried to talk to reason, but the sounds, the mmpphings and the whimpering seemed to actually please him. And it doesn’t help matters that it is widely known among my friends that I enjoy bondage. If he really wanted to do this tome all he had to do was be a gentleman and wait for the third or fourth date…..

But in between the long periods of waiting, he says an hour, he comes down and changes the CD to something else. And then he takes off my gags and feeds me chocolate by hand, a little sip of the wine and lastly, sips of water. This bottle isn’t drugged at least. The first couple of times, I was pretty angry and yelled at him. But after awhile I realized this amused him. He set up a camera to record my outbursts.

At one point I asked when he was going to let me go. He seemed surprised by the question and it took him a moment to answer it.

He gestured at the chains, “Don’t you find this appealing?”

I blushed, “Well, yeah, but not like this! I mean, you realize that you’ve broken a few laws tonight, right?”

“Don’t try to redirect the conversation, Suzy. I thought, that you enjoyed bondage.”

I gave him a sour look, “Bondage is a vanilla way to put it.”

“You’re being mean, Suzy, one would think that you would be more cooperative in your position.” He glanced at a door to his left and sighed.

“What’s in there?”

He sighed and gave me a look sent shivers down my spine, “In there? Well, Suzy, there is nothing pleasant in there. It’s quite…ugly in there. I don’t think you want to know.”

I shrank against the wall and said in a small voice, “Just let me go, I won’t tell anyone about this….”

He gave me a smile that almost wiped away my fear, “I know you won’t tell anyone…have some more chocolate.”

He changed the CD. He let me have more water, I passed on the wine. He gagged me and was very tender about it. After gagging me, he patted my thigh and left his hand there. He was looking into my eyes and I was getting lost in his. I almost didn’t notice his hand. I suddenly didn’t mind.

I shook my head violently. I kept saying things to myself: I shouldn’t be feeling this way! No! Nonononono! I’m the victim! I don’t want to like this, I don’t want to like him!

He placed a hand on my cheek to stop me. It made me gasp. He looked at me calmly and almost lovingly. His thumb stroked the scarf that covered the first gag. I grew very still. I was very confused. Did I really…want this?

He withdrew and went to the stairs, “In case you are wondering why, it’s because I’m a bit compulsive, and obsessive. I find you very attractive this way. And I think you find yourself attractive this way as well. You are so cute when you’re gagged… I hope you will let me please you for a very long time. I would hate to take you into the other room.”

He stopped, “Won’t you please say my name?”

I shook my head.

He left me again. And this time I was very scared of that room. But I was feeling more…what? Attracted to him? Attracted to this? Do I need this? Do I like my fear? I looked down at the place setting. And I saw it for what it was…something romantic.

I looked up the stairs. I hoped he would come back soon. I’m not sure what I wanted, but it was important that he come back soon.


He came back, of course. He changed the CD, and suddenly I heard The Damned. I arched an eyebrow, he just smiled and shrugged. He sat down across from me again.

He reached to untie the gags and I pulled away. He was surprised. I just looked at him. He pulled out a key and started to reach for one of the manacles. I slowly pulled that wrist away and shook my head. He smiled.

“I believe you are beginning to enjoy this.”

I shrugged, “Mmmpph.”

“I am going to take that gag out, you need to drink water. Please stay still, Suzy.”

I let him take the gag out. He gave me some more water, “Chocolate, please.”

“Why, of course!”

He placed the small chocolate on my tongue. I closed my mouth on his tongue, capturing lightly with my teeth. I slowly traced his thumb with the tip of my tongue. Small licks, looking into his face the entire time. He relunctantly withdrew his thumb.

“You’re teasing me. It won’t work.”

“I know.”

“Then why?”

I pouted, “Isn’t it obvious?”

He laughed and sobered up. He nodded at the door with his chin, “I’m thinking you might have to go in there.”

I nervously licked my lips, “There’s no need for that.”

“Good, now remember; seducing me is impossible. But my challenge is to seduce you.”

I rolled my eyes, “You aren’t getting it.”

He crossed his arms, “Oh? Well, might I remind you that you are the one in danger?”

I gritted my teeth, “I am fully aware of that.”

His face displayed uncertainty, “What am I missing?”

I tossed my head, “Let me put it this way; when are you going to try to kiss me?”

He smiled that wonderful smile, “Ah, I did seduce you!”

I tried very hard not to smile myself, “Right, now about that kiss…”

He came to me. He placed one hand on the small of my back and the other on my neck and drew me very close. I was very close, all I had to do was convince him to undue the manacles and when he wasn’t looking, clobber him with the wine bottle.

He gently tugged on my hair so that my face angled up. I gasped as his hand moved from hip to the flat of my stomach, just under my breasts. I looked up into his handsome face. All thoughts of escape gone, no longer what I wanted. What I wanted was his hand on my breast, I wanted him to kiss me, to keep me and to adore me.

His thumb caressed my stomach and I whispered, “My corset is too tight, do something, please…”

He nodded and moved closer. His face hovered over mine. I closed my eyes, ready, expecting,
eager. Keep me. I thought, yes, keep me…

My eyes flew open. What was I thinking!?!? He looked down at me, smiling.

“Nice try, Suzy, nice try.”

He chuckled as he re-applied my gags. He checked the ropes on my legs. He looked at me thoughtfully. He leaned in very close, making me look up at him. He caressed my cheek again.

“You know Suzy, all you have to do is say the magic word and I will let you go.”

I thought about it and through the gag said, “Pllssshh?”

“No, `please’ is not the magic word.”

He softly kissed my neck. Again, all reason fled. How can he do that to me? Why am I pressing myself against him, moaning please over and over? I started to feel nothing but him, wanting, and succumbing to raw need. He pulled away and suddenly I could think clearly again.

Great, I thought, I’ll never get out of here. Especially if I turn into an uber-slut every time he touches me.

He started to walk up the stairs and turned, “Ok, Suzy, last chance until I come back an hour from now; what’s the magic word?”

I whimpered.

“No, that’s not it, my dear. Plus, that gag is a bit of a problem isn’t it? Your next chance happens in an hour.”

I whined when the upstairs door closed. What could the word be? Of all the stupid games in the world, why does he have to pi-



Could it be that?

I started thrashing, making noises by waving the chains about. I kicked at the wine and chocolates in sheer frustration and anger. The gag made my curses intelligible. I was able to get on my knees and strained my body towards the stairs, closed my eyes and screamed "asshole" into the gag.

My chest heaving, still straining, eyes ablaze in anger, I heard him laugh and laugh. He opened the door a crack and his voice wafted down, “I told you so, Suzy. Now, you are going to have to wait an hour before you can try again, even if you have the right answer right now.”
The door shut and I screamed again, “Ummommmerfffkkkerrrrmsssolll!”

He’s going to make me say his damn name….